Monday, December 8, 2008


People enjoy yoga for all sorts of reasons such as the abaility to improve breathing, relaxation and also flexibility.  Even if you aren't a fitness fanatic you should already know that yoga is both relaxing and healthy.  There have been a number of studies that show you can lower your heart rate and blood pressure if you do yoga, and will help to suppress other body functions so that you can achieve a state total relaxation.  People of all ages can get involved as there is yoga for the elderly and yoga for during pregnancy.

The meaning of yoga is to yoke or to unitu.  Anyone seeking to promote or get their health back to the best state are welcome to try a class.  It is said that yoga helps to strengthen and cleanse the body while allowing the mind to focus on connecting with the Universal Self.  People see yoga as being spiritual however it's not so in a religious way.

Yoga is, however, does associate with Buddhism.  Interestingly yoga is actually much older than Buddhism.  Ancient seals have been found that depict the gods doing the poses from yoga.  These were found in the Indus Valley which is beleived to be one of the civilizations ever to be started.  The area is located where Pakistan and India are now.  So despite some people calling yoga "new age" you will find that this couldn't be more wrong as it's estimated to be about 5,000 years old.

Meditation is a necessity of yoga.  In order for you to acheive the best results, you need to quiet your mind and focus on having your body, spirit and mind becoming one.  As with anything in life, you are able to benefit from yoga a lot more if you are a dedicated student.  If you really are commited to yoga, the results will sow themselves off.

Much of yoga was taken from ancient tests called Hatha (the physical body).  There were many philosophers that enjoyed the activity and a variety of styles you could choose.  Although yoga is practiced for practical purposes, there are many people who swear by it for dealing with stressful lives.  There are many exercises that cannot be done by certain people because they are too strenous however with yoga you will find it suitable for all ages and abilities.  You can sit in a chair or on the floor.  People tend to have very stiff muscles these days because of all the sittng as desks and in cars so yoga will help in this respect too.