Monday, December 8, 2008


People enjoy yoga for all sorts of reasons such as the abaility to improve breathing, relaxation and also flexibility.  Even if you aren't a fitness fanatic you should already know that yoga is both relaxing and healthy.  There have been a number of studies that show you can lower your heart rate and blood pressure if you do yoga, and will help to suppress other body functions so that you can achieve a state total relaxation.  People of all ages can get involved as there is yoga for the elderly and yoga for during pregnancy.

The meaning of yoga is to yoke or to unitu.  Anyone seeking to promote or get their health back to the best state are welcome to try a class.  It is said that yoga helps to strengthen and cleanse the body while allowing the mind to focus on connecting with the Universal Self.  People see yoga as being spiritual however it's not so in a religious way.

Yoga is, however, does associate with Buddhism.  Interestingly yoga is actually much older than Buddhism.  Ancient seals have been found that depict the gods doing the poses from yoga.  These were found in the Indus Valley which is beleived to be one of the civilizations ever to be started.  The area is located where Pakistan and India are now.  So despite some people calling yoga "new age" you will find that this couldn't be more wrong as it's estimated to be about 5,000 years old.

Meditation is a necessity of yoga.  In order for you to acheive the best results, you need to quiet your mind and focus on having your body, spirit and mind becoming one.  As with anything in life, you are able to benefit from yoga a lot more if you are a dedicated student.  If you really are commited to yoga, the results will sow themselves off.

Much of yoga was taken from ancient tests called Hatha (the physical body).  There were many philosophers that enjoyed the activity and a variety of styles you could choose.  Although yoga is practiced for practical purposes, there are many people who swear by it for dealing with stressful lives.  There are many exercises that cannot be done by certain people because they are too strenous however with yoga you will find it suitable for all ages and abilities.  You can sit in a chair or on the floor.  People tend to have very stiff muscles these days because of all the sittng as desks and in cars so yoga will help in this respect too.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Yoga Fundamental Principles For Meditation

When you set out studying yoga basics you will ensure how to reflect. Almost each course will devote a tiny piece of the class to meditation. Yoga basics are all about learning to get in touch with your body and connecting your mind with your body. To do this you need to be able to clear your mind of all the usual anxieties and day-to-day thoughts to concentrate merely on your breathing.

There are many elementary yoga poses that you should learn as component of a yoga basics introduction. These yoga basics will help you to meditate more easily and will also help you to start your exploration of yoga gently.

When you learn yoga basics they might strike you as not very athletic but their gains are stunning and they will do marvels for a tired mind and body. The Siddhasana is a great pose to start your yoga basics introduction, as it will help you to meditate. First sit on your yoga mat with your buttocks firmly on your mat. Next cross your legs and place one leg on the inside touching your inner thigh. The other leg is on the outside touching the ankle of the inner leg.

When it derives to the hands you have various choices for these yoga basic principles. You can either place your hands in your lap with the palms facing up or down, or you can place your hands on your knees. If you want to try a hand mudra, place your hands on your knees with your palms facing upwards. Then touch your thumb to your pointer finer with the other three fingers stretched outwards.

In yoga lessons you will discover that this is a key way to meditate. The mudra is a powerful position for your hands as it represents the past, present and future. Think of this pose as a great way to stretch out your whole body. Press your hips into the ground while stretching your spine up towards the ceiling, right to the crown of your head.

You need to be really laid-back so make sure that there is no tension in your facial expression, jaw or shoulder joints. Your tongue should rest gently behind your front teeth, just touching the roof of your mouth. Keep breathing deeply and hold this position as long as you feel comfortable. You will help lengthen your spine and will also find a lot of inner peace with this pose as you empty out your mind in this pose.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Benefits of Yoga - Physical and Emotional

Benefits of Yoga Video

Basic Yoga has been designed to primarily focus on the overall wellness of a person. When you get involved with yoga you will surely learn new lifestyle ideas and new ways of approaching life and the world. Yoga can improve your health in a variety of ways. You will also increase your strength, become more flexible, have improved body balance and learn to let go of stress and increase your vitality. Yoga also is an enjoyable way to loose weight.

Practicing the various yoga positions, also known as asanas increases your flexibility by working on your joints, your muscles, tendons and ligaments. You will notice a significant improvement in your flexibility as you continue the practice of yoga. You will be pleased with the benefits of yoga such as muscle toning and the reduction of body fat.

Yoga is wonderful for thoroughly messaging the organs and the glands of your body, including those that rarely receive stimulation. The massaging of your organs and glands helps your body to prevent diseases from harming your health. A significant benefit of practicing yoga is the increased blood flow that occurs throughout your body which improves your health. The increased blood flow significantly improves your body’s ability to remove toxic substances and delivers nourishment throughout your body.

One of the major benefits of yoga that occurs is the ability to put the mind and the body in a state of harmony, primarily with meditation.  Meditation allows you to clear your mind and gives you an inner peace. Yoga and its meditation aspect can help to remove unhealthy stress from your mind and body. Stress has negative affects on your emotional, endocrinal and physical systems.

Even if one does not desire to be able to perform the more advanced and complicated asana, there are benefits to practicing basic yoga exercises, no matter the school of thought you choose to follow. Improved balance, strength, and flexibility are the first most obvious benefits. 

Benefits of yoga that might be less obvious would be a greater awareness of oneself and of nature. Yoga has also been shown to offer health benefits such as improved internal organ function, a boosted immune system, reduction of the symptoms of many chronic diseases and many, many other benefits. Yoga of all kinds, including basic yoga, aids relaxation and reduces tension without fatigue and too much exertion.

Basic yoga involves seven types of body movement during exercise including circumduction, flexion, abduction, adduction, rotation, extension, and hyperextension. Combinations of these body movements are used to create the yoga stances and positions. These movements are combined with breathing exercises and concentration. Breathing is also the guide in basic yoga for coming into an asana, holding an asana, and coming out of it. All the movements are ideally done gracefully. To learn how to do basic yoga, look for a qualified instructor and failing that, look for educational videos that may help you.

FInd more on Yoga here Yoga Retreats

Thursday, November 13, 2008

12 Step Salute To The Sun

A 12-Step All-Around Yoga Exercise

The ’12-step salute to the sun’ is one of the all-around yoga exercises. Do it once or twice when you get up in the morning to help relieve stiffness and invigorate the body. Multiple repetitions at night will help you to relax; insomniacs often find that 6 to12 rounds help them fall asleep.

1. To begin with, position yourself with your feet slightly apart, put your hands together while having your thumbs against your chest.

2. Inhale deeply, while slowly raising your hands over your head, and bend back as far as possible, while tightening your buttocks.

Then continue to hold that position for three seconds.

3. After three seconds you can slowly exhale while bending forward, keeping your knees straight and touch the floor outside of your feet.

If you can’t touch the floor, go as close as you can and then bring your head in toward your knees.

4. Slowly inhale, bend your knees, and if your fingertips aren’t outside your feet, place them as near to them as you can.

From there you will need to go into a lunge type position, by placing your right foot back as far as you can, then bend your knee until it is only a few inches from the floor. Now look up as high as possible, arching your back and hold for a few seconds before exhaling.

5. Before exhaling again, slide your left foot back until it is beside the right one, and with your weight supported on your palms and toes, straighten both legs so that your body forms a flat plane.

Whenever you do this type of yoga you need to keep your stomach muscles pulled in to maximize the effect.

6. Begin to slowly exhale while bending both knees to the floor, keep your hips in the air and lower your chest towards the floor.

7. Now, inhale slowly and look up, bending your head back then raising it, followed by bringing up your chest, then lowering it.

Your lower body - from the navel down - should be on the floor, and your elbows should be slightly bent. Hold this position for three to five seconds.

8. Exhale slowly and raise your hips until your feet and palms are flat on the floor and your arms and legs are straight in an inverted V position.

9. Inhale slowly and bring your right foot forward as indicated in position 4.

The foot should be flat on the floor between your fingertips. The left leg should be almost straight behind you, with its knee slightly off the floor. Raise your head, look up, and arch your back.

10. Bring your left foot forward next to your right foot, as you slowly begin to exhale.

Straighten your legs and stand, trying to keep your fingertips on the floor, and try to touch your head to your knees as in position 3.

11. Slowly inhale, raise your arms up and stretch back as in position 2.

Remember in both position two and eleven you need to tighten your buttocks and hold for three seconds.

12. Slowly exhale, lowering your arms to your sides and then relax.

By repeating these yoga exercises you will improve much of your overall health, both mentally and physically.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yoga, Life's Balancing Act

Yoga is composed of a series of stances or poses that are done fluidly and steady while mastering respiration.  Moreover, yoga is essentially a low-impact physical exercise that is exhilarating yet relaxing, as it also encompasses some meditation.  Yoga is about durability and flexibility, not only about stretching out, however, stretching and striving is unquestionably a component of yoga. Anyone can do yoga, from infants to seniors and every other type of lifestyle.  Practicing yoga is unique for every person and the best part of all is that you can tailor it to what works best for you and your activity level.

There are so many postures associated with yoga, all of which employ essentially the identical poses just with unique emphasis. The various postures of yoga which are virtually popularly known are Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Power Yoga, Iyengar, Kundalini, Bikram (or Hot Yoga), Anusara, Jivamukti, Forrest, Integral, and Sivananda.

Regardless of the style">">style of yoga you opt to attempt, there is an underlying belief to all of yoga">">yoga - balance, ease, flexibleness and durability while taking on spiritual well being and meditation.  Each style of yoga stresses more or less on one focal point, whether that be physical , respiration or spiritual.  Every expressive style of yoga is good for your health and wellness, it is to a greater extent a subject of individual preference as to which style is appropriate for you.

Your yoga exercise is exactly that - yours.  It is individualized to you, solely you can do it and you will get something amazingly unique out of yoga than some other peoplel. Yoga grows with you as you begin to realize it better and have each position mean more to you each time.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yoga Is The Best Weapon To Fight Stresses

Yoga is a 3,000-year-old, Hindu discipline of mind and body that became known in Western society with the hippie generation of the Sixties and early Seventies. Its image as a mystic practice is disappearing as fast as the stressful aspects of the Eighties are appearing.

As an effective method of stress management, yoga is spreading into the business world, the helping professions, nursing and old age homes, and is used in the treatment of alcoholics, hyperactive children and youngsters with learning disabilities. Yoga centers are getting stiff competition from adult education classes of community colleges, boards of education and parks and recreation departments.

The meaning of yoga is union of the body, mind and spirit with truth. There are numerous forms of yoga to study, which is can be endless years of learning for the willing pupil.

Hatha Yoga is among the most popular forms in the west. It emphasizes the practice of postures, which stretch and strengthen the body, help develop a sense of balance and flexibility, as well as body awareness and mental concentration. All forms of yoga incorporate the practice of proper breathing techniques for relaxation, to rest the mind from its constant chatter, to experience an internal calm, and to energize and purify the body.

As stress levels in society reach new heights, Raja Yoga, the yoga of meditation, is growing in popularity in Western society, while others, such as Krya Yoga, the yoga of cleansing, and Mantra Yoga, the yoga of chanting, not surprisingly, have little appeal for newcomers.

Stretching and toning, though beneficial, aren't the primary reasons people turn to yoga. Newcomers are hoping that yoga will provide them with a means for handling stress and diffusing tension. The difference between exercise and yoga is that yoga has a meditative quality.

A lot of people are exercising for the psychological benefits and trying many of the Eastern activities, like yoga and tai chi. Yoga seems to have a calming effect on people.

And the techniques work on children as well as adults. When your children are quarreling, ask them to stop what they're doing, raise their arms over their heads, lean forward and breathe deeply to help diffuse their anger. It definitely helps them to cool it.

Yoga : Learning And Instructions

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A 12-Step All-Around Yoga Exercise

A 12-Step All-Around Yoga Exercise

The ’12-step salute to the sun’ is one of the all-around yoga exercises. As you do it once or twice in the morning it will help loosen up any stiffness in your body and rejuvenate it. Then to help you relax at night you can do several multiple repetitions, in fact, some people who suffer with insomnia find by completing six - twelve rounds often helps them to fall asleep better.

1. Stand with your feet slightly apart, palms together, thumbs against your chest.

2. Breath in slowly and deeply as you raise your hands over your head, then bend back as far as you can and tighten the muscles in your gluteus maximus.

You should hold this position for three seconds before exhaling.

3. After three seconds you can slowly exhale while bending forward, keeping your knees straight and touch the floor outside of your feet.

You may not be able to touch the floor but you should get as close as you can to it and then bend your head inwards, towards your knees.

4. Slowly inhale, bend your knees, and if your fingertips aren’t outside your feet, place them as near to them as you can.

Slide your right foot back as far as you can go, with the right knee an inch or so off the floor, (a lunge position). Next arch your back and look up as high as possible, while holding your breath a few seconds before exhaling.

5. Before you exhale, bring your left foot next to your right one, and support your weight on your palms and toes, then straighten both legs so your body is positioned like a flat plane.

Whenever you do this type of yoga you need to keep your stomach muscles pulled in to maximize the effect.

6. Slowly exhale, bend both knees to the floor, bend with your hips in the air, lower your chest and forehead to the floor.

7. In this position begin to inhale slowly once again, bend your head back by looking upwards, now lift up your chest and bring it back down.

Your lower body - from the navel down - should be on the floor, and your elbows should be slightly bent. Hold this position for three to five seconds.

8. As you exhale slowly, raise up your hips until both your feet and hands are flat on the floor and your legs and arms are in a straight inverted V type position.

9. Bring your foot forward as you slowly inhale the same way you did in the forth position.

The foot should be flat on the floor between your fingertips. Your left leg should be straight behind you or as straight as you can make it with your knee slightly bent. Again, you will raise your head by looking upward and arch your back in this position.

10. Slowly exhale and bring your left foot forward next to your right one.

As you try to keep your fingertips on the floor; straighten your legs and touch your head to your knees in the same manner you did in the third position.

11. Slowly begin to inhale deeply as you raise your arms up and stretch back as you did in the second position.

Don’t forget while in this position it is important to tighten your buttocks and hold for three seconds.

12. Begin to relax by slowly exhaling and lowering your arms to the sides of your body.

Feel free to repeat these yoga positions as often as you like, as they will better help to improve your health, by relieving stress and helping you to better relax your body.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Balance Your Home and Work Life With Yoga

With stressful working environments and hectic schedules, many people struggle with the negative impact of their busy work lives. More and more, people who have trouble keeping their work and personal lives balanced are discovering yoga exercises. Yoga helps them achieve peace of mind and helps them reach that ideal work-life balance.

The mind-body connection is piquing interest in this ancient practice, and research shows that it can indeed reduce blood pressure and stress, improve your work performance, and even make you age more slowly.

Although the focus on yoga may be different depending on the environment, its basic premise is to relax the body while keeping the mind focused and alert. For example, when you do yoga, you focus on body movement, breath, sound or even an object. When your mind wanders, as it inevitably will, you bring your attention back and start again.

The age-old art of yoga gained new interest in the 60's as part of the consciousness raising activities of the period. However, after this, yoga began to fall out of favor. This might be because yoga isn't quite the same as many other kinds of exercise.

For example, you need patience in order to get its full benefits. It offers steady but slow results. This contrasts starkly with the frenzied pace and fast results of aerobics.

Lots of people hurry out to exercise energetically during their lunch break, and then dash back to their workplace. Of course, it's probably physically beneficial, but it still adds pressure to an already overwhelmed life. Yoga, by contrast, offers a less competitive and stressful way to work out, while supporting and even causing an overall feeling of simply "being."

One of the major reasons yoga is making a comeback is because it can be so healing as an activity. The over-the-top push for fitness generated by the traditional exercise regimes of aerobics, running, or weight lifting has led to a rash of injuries, including neck pain, back pain, or strained knees.

These days, it's not uncommon for the mainstream medical profession, including orthopedic surgeons, neurologists and chiropractors, to recommend yoga to their patients.

In fact, it's moving to the mainstream increasingly. Hospitals and businesses are now teaching yoga techniques, books about yoga are bestsellers, and discussion groups on the Internet have sprung up to talk about this "new" innovation.

Interestingly, even the U.S. Army has demonstrated its interest in yoga. It has requested that the National Academy of Sciences research New Age practices like meditation to discover if they can improve the performance of soldiers.

In addition, yoga has become a pursuit for some runners, weight trainers or aerobic dancers who don't find peace in their exercise regimes and want the de-stressing aspects of yoga to be part of their workouts.

Approximately 60 to 90% of doctors' visits in the U.S. are related to stress. Mind-body approaches offer cost-effective and safe treatments for this ailment that don't involve drugs or surgery. Among those who practice these techniques, 34 percent of infertile patients get pregnant within 6 months, and 70 percent of those who have sleep difficulties, including insomnia, get a good night's sleep on a regular basis. As well, a decrease of 36 percent is seen in the number of people suffering from pain and making regular visits to the doctor.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yoga Equipment Doesn't Have to Cost a Lot

A feature of yoga that many people find appealing is that it doesn't require a whole lot of special equipment. In fact, you don't need any equipment to perform most of the basic yoga exercises. This makes it very easy for yoga to be practiced almost anywhere.

It also makes it easy for people of all ages to participate in yoga exercises. And the benefits that it will present to them are well worth the little bit of effort it takes.

It's not just that it's one of the more beneficial fitness programs you can take up. It's also that it needs virtually no financial outlay, and you can't say that for many fitness activities. Loose clothing is the only essential requirement; you need to be comfortable while you're moving through the poses. Yoga is traditionally performed in bare feet. So footwear isn't even an issue, and this can certainly be a money saver.

As you become more skilled at the yoga positions, you might want to start getting some accessories to help you progress even further. This might be as easy as getting a yoga mat. This useful product lowers the risk of slipping when you're performing standing poses, and gives you cushioning when you're sitting.

You might also consider purchasing some yoga straps that will help you stretch more effectively. Straps will help you to achieve more flexibility by allowing you to perform poses that you couldn't otherwise do. But they really don't need to be anything more than a piece of rope or a belt that you've probably got lying around the house. Even purchasing one of the genuine straps won't set you back too much.

These basic pieces of equipment definitely won't set you back a lot of money. And equipment such as yoga mats, straps and bolsters will help to get your body in the correct position, providing alignment for your spine and legs. They're well worth the expense, but remember, they're not completely necessary.

And the only other item that you could possibly need would be a blanket. Most people have one of these.

Yoga is practiced extensively in countries where the people can't afford to spend money on exercise equipment. So there's no reason to break the bank in order to get the benefits of yoga exercises.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Top Yoga Retreat Destinations

Amid the clamor of obligations, rush hour traffic, nagging bosses and the chaos of daily life, the last thing most Americans want is a high-volume vacation that requires a lot of running around and planning. Why not try a week at a relaxing yoga retreat, where you will leave with a deep-seated serenity and awareness? You can go anywhere from India to Mexico in search of rejuvenation and spiritual connectedness. With a combination of yoga, massages, jacuzzi tubs and healthy eating, a yoga retreat is more than just a vacation -- it's a whole new way of life and in some ways, a rebirth.

Yoga retreat vacations are great for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. A Yoga instructor since 1997, Jillian Pransky says, "Many of my students are city dwellers. Their yoga is fit in between running in and out of busy streets and wedged into their busy workloads. They get little respite and often don't get the dramatic effect they experience on retreat. Your body has more time to open, change, purify and cleanse in a retreat environment than in a daily practice."

Older yoga enthusiasts will love the Como Shambhala, located 575 miles from Miami in the Caribbean Islands (Turks and Caicos, specifically). This 1,000 square foot sanctuary offers the kind of soft, white sand and turquoise water you'd expect from a tropical vacation destination, while providing you with simple yet beautiful teak and white cotton furnished rooms. For your free time, diving and snorkeling are favorite pastimes. Choose from annual retreats such as: Yoga Play & Discovery, On Top of the World With Judy Krupp, The 7 Chakras on Kundalini Yoga, Yoga Shanti Retreat and Bali Ashtanga Yoga Adventure. Yoga retreat rates run around ,240 for one week, all inclusive. In 2006, Como Shambhala won Spa Finder Magazine's "Best Spa In Indonesia," The Ultimate Spa Guide's "Top Spas In Asia" and Travel & Leisure's "World's Best Hotel Spa Caribbean Bermuda and the Bahamas" awards, to name a few.

You can go alone or with friends and spouses, you can take a high-intensity work out or a slow methodical yoga class, you can go to India or Thailand. Yoga Retreat destinations are varied and breath-taking, so start planning your spiritual vacation today!

It may surprise you to learn that Yoga dates back to 3300-1700 B.C.E. and has long been a practice of Buddhists, Hindus and other Eastern religions. But what should not be surprising the tremendous benefits that this form of exercise and meditation can bring to your life. Working professionals, students, home-makers and the retired alike are finding how wonderful they feel after participating. The sense of calm that prevails as well as the satisfaction of muscles well worked all make Yoga the perfect blend of philosophy, religion and exercise. Even if you do not practice the spiritual aspects of this ancient practice, you can still benefit. Click here to see more: Yoga Pants and at Tantric Yoga also at Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Are There Advantages In Yoga For Pregnant Women

When you're pregnant, there's an almost obsessive protectiveness and an overwhelming desire to do everything you can to foster healthy prenatal development. You may have heard about yoga for pregnant women, but may have also wondered, "Is it safe?" or "What can I or can't I do?" This article will tell you a little about this new craze sweeping the nation and seeks to explain the obvious (and not so obvious) benefits of taking a yoga class during those nine months.

Pregnant women practice yoga for physical benefits. For instance, yoga practice can teach techniques that will be helpful during labor, such as breathing and relieving tension around the cervix and birth canal. Additionally, prenatal physicians recommend combining a light cardiovascular exercise (like walking) with a relaxing, muscle-toning exercise (like yoga) to maintain your physique, in spite of the intense cravings and normal weight gain associated with pregnancy.

Other pregnant women practice yoga for mental benefits. For one, it can be a great support to meet other women going through the same thing you are. Also, there is much emphasis on focusing on the moment and deriving happiness from each and every day, which can be vital when your hormones are out of whack. Yoga has been known to stimulate beta-endorphins, which also brings comfort and a sense of relief.

During the first trimester, standing poses help circulation, strengthen legs and increase energy. Avoid bikram yoga classes that heat up the room or any kind of back/belly/inverted positions. In the second and third trimesters, yoga for your pregnancy will include more sitting positions and breathing techniques.

For yoga classes, look at and search for a yoga center near you. If you'd rather practice alone, some yoga videos that focus on yoga for pregnancy include: Yoga Journal's Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea, Dr. Christine Anderson's Dynamic Prenatal Yoga, Prenatal Yoga: A Complete Home Practice For A Healthy Mother and Baby, Yoga Journal and Lamaze present Yoga For Your Pregnancy and Prenatal Yoga Complete. You can read user reviews at -- or a good place to check out is (just type in "prenatal yoga" and preview or watch actual videos)!

It may surprise you to learn that Yoga dates back to 3300-1700 B.C.E. and has long been a practice of Buddhists, Hindus and other Eastern religions. But what should not be surprising the tremendous benefits that this form of exercise and meditation can bring to your life. Working professionals, students, home-makers and the retired alike are finding how wonderful they feel after participating. The sense of calm that prevails as well as the satisfaction of muscles well worked all make Yoga the perfect blend of philosophy, religion and exercise. Even if you do not practice the spiritual aspects of this ancient practice, you can still benefit. Click here to see more: Yoga Classes and at Yoga Classes also at Yoga Retreat

How To Find Yoga Classes That Are Right For You

Life moves too fast. One lesson we can all benefit from is the ancient Indian practice of yoga, which reminds us that every day is sacred and we are comprised of a connected series of energy channels that can be manipulated to regulate body processes, improve strength and facilitate mental clarity. Yoga classes are offered all across America -- and in fact, attract over 16.5 million participants! Adding yoga to your weekly workout can give you the muscle toning and mental stamina you need to succeed in all other areas of your life. Continue reading to figure out where to find a class near you.

Before searching online for yoga classes, you may want to contemplate which style of yoga will best suit your needs.

YogaFinder, the largest internet directory of its kind, can match you up with classes, events, retreats, products, jobs and teacher training opportunities. You can get the yoga center address, phone number, website, browse available styles and read a general description of what's offered. This directory pulls results that others may not have and worldwide retreats are listed. The site is colorful, easy to navigate and very comprehensive!

Yoga. website lists studios and classes near you by address, phone number, styles, levels, cost and certification information. You can also check out yoga vacations, read articles, browse the store and participate in forums here. It's a simple site but can give you all the basic statistics quickly and easily.

FindYoga website is another expansive, well-designed site with multiple search engines to find yoga workshops, teachers, retreats, classes and training centers (within the US). If you're really busy, you can even search for classes by the days and times you have available! Results are listed by school, suburb, day, time, style, level type and teacher. There are many resources for people looking to learn more about yoga, get their corporation involved in a yoga program, or to find a mentoring program.

New York yoga instructor Sharon Gannon tells us, "You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you why you are resisting your natural state." By taking yoga classes, you will not only strengthen your muscles, but your spirit as well.

The world is a fantastic place filled with diversity and new discoveries at every turn. One of these discoveries for the Western world came in the form of Yoga. This ancient practice was known primarily in Eastern religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism but has since become a very popular form of exercise. It is more than that though. It is a process of centering the mind and body into one fluid machine that is highly aware of itself and surroundings. Yoga can be performed by anyone of any age and is great for those beginning their trek into a healthier lifestyle. If you are ready to begin your trek, click here for more information: Yoga Retreat and at Yoga Clothes also at Yoga Meditation

Yoga and Pilates - How One Form Compliments The Other

Yoga and pilates may seem to be one in the same to a lot of Americans. However, there are some basic differences.

Yoga and pilates are often lumped together as one. They both compliment a normal exercise routine by sculpting the body and improving strength, flexibility and coordination. They both involve stretching, slow deliberate and repetitive motions, regulated breathing processes and establishing an overall sense of wellbeing. In a fast-paced society full of various athletes, strength training and weight machines are an American pastime in many gyms. Therefore, many modern Western instructors and athletic trainers work pilates into their yoga practice to change things up a bit.

Clear differences between yoga and pilates include some of the following: First, yoga is an ancient Indian practice that dates back approximately 5,000 years, whereas pilates is an adaptation of yoga dating back eighty years to a German athlete, Joseph Pilate. Secondly, in addition to physical activity, yoga is an entire holistic program that encompasses diet, meditation, breathing techniques, religious edict and a moral code; Pilates is simply a form of exercise and body sculpting technique. Thirdly, yoga aims to unite mind and body, as well as cleanse the body of toxins, while pilates is fashioned to strengthen, define and improve posture. Additionally, in yoga, you are taught to inhale and exhale through the nose, whereas pilates employs the traditional athletic mode of breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth while performing an action. Lastly, yoga can generally be done with just a mat (although sometimes props are used), while instructors ensure everyone's in proper form; pilates, on the other hand, has specific machinery designed to assist practitioners.

Athletes and dancers often engage in "pilates for sports" classes, either in large groups or one-on-one with an instructor. However, one needn't attend a class to get started with pilates -- in fact, there are many videos (Eleonora Goya, Dian Ramirez, Leslie Sansone, Kathy Smith, Denise Austin, Karen Voight, The Method yoga, MTV, Prevention, etc). Of course, you won't get quite the same workout without the elaborate weight systems, but it could be a good launching point for people who are curious but not quite ready to commit to a gym or studio. Some of the most popular yoga videos include: "Yoga Zone," "Living Yoga - AM/PM," "Basic Yoga Workout For Dummies," "Total Yoga: The Flow Series," "Yoga: Mind & Body with Ali Macgraw," "Crunch Yoga Mama: Prenatal Yoga," "Yoga Practice For Strength," "Ashtanga Yoga with Richard Freeman," "The Power of Hatha Yoga" and "Kundalini Yoga: With Grace and Strength." For yoga practitioners seeking spiritual teaching as well, classes and yoga center training are best. Choosing between yoga and pilates classes or videos is all just a matter of preference.

It may surprise you to learn that Yoga dates back to 3300-1700 B.C.E. and has long been a practice of Buddhists, Hindus and other Eastern religions. But what should not be surprising the tremendous benefits that this form of exercise and meditation can bring to your life. Working professionals, students, home-makers and the retired alike are finding how wonderful they feel after participating. The sense of calm that prevails as well as the satisfaction of muscles well worked all make Yoga the perfect blend of philosophy, religion and exercise. Even if you do not practice the spiritual aspects of this ancient practice, you can still benefit. Click here to see more: Yoga Certification and at Types Of Yoga also at Yoga Music

How Yoga and Meditation Can Improve Your Quality Of Life

Did you know that yoga and meditation have not only helped stressed out people slow down and relax -- but, in some cases, have also cured people of asthma, ADHD, high blood pressure, diabetes, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and cancer? The miraculous nature of yoga and meditation has been witnessed from India to the United States and the science behind the cures indicates that the beta-endorphins released during yoga practice may be the main contributing factor to the physical healing.

One type of meditation yoga is called Sahaja yoga, meaning "spontaneously born within". This form of yoga and meditation has been in practice in the US since the 1970s but borrows from ancient religion. Spiritual awakening is encouraged mainly through posture and breathing, relaxation techniques and visualizing energy flow. While some forms of fitness yoga stress physical movement, Sahaja emphasizes spirituality and teaching.

Students of this branch will study the three vertical energy channels within the human body: the sun channel (governing our thought processes), the parasympathetic / nervous system channel (governing our body processes) and the moon channel (governing our emotions). In addition to these three channels, millions of chakras (literally translated from Sanskrit to mean "wheels" or energy centers) are swirling around us, keeping the channels in motion. Chakras can vary from religion to religion, but Sahaja Yoga focuses on several in its yoga and meditation: the crown chakra (pituitary gland / consciousness), the third eye chakra (pineal gland / sleep and awakening), the throat chakra (thyroid / growth and maturity), the heart chakra (thymus / stress and wellbeing), the solar plexus chakra (pancreas / digestion and energy), the sacral chakra (groin / sexuality and reproduction) and the root chakra (adrenal gland / basic fight or flight instincts and kundalini awakening).

Another study is the Raja Yoga tradition (the "king" of yoga or "royal path"), which is heavily steeped in spirituality. Practitioners believe in a serious code based upon self-restraint, quietude, concentration, regulation of breathing, uniting body and mind through action, withdrawing from the senses and studying religious texts. Often retreats are offered (by places like the Margaret Austin Retreat Center in Texas or the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California) to help students immerse themselves in a new way of thinking. Students will learn about the Eightfold Path and the seven chakras, in addition to yamas and niyamas (code of conduct and religious observances, respectively).

For more information on yoga and meditation, look up for extensive information about the methods and philosophy behind the practice. For information on Raja Yoga, prospective students can run a studio search at For therapeutic yoga, ask your doctor or go to and click on the "Find a Yoga Therapist" tab in the upper right hand corner.

The world is a fantastic place filled with diversity and new discoveries at every turn. One of these discoveries for the Western world came in the form of Yoga. This ancient practice was known primarily in Eastern religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism but has since become a very popular form of exercise. It is more than that though. It is a process of centering the mind and body into one fluid machine that is highly aware of itself and surroundings. Yoga can be performed by anyone of any age and is great for those beginning their trek into a healthier lifestyle. If you are ready to begin your trek, click here for more information: Kriya Yoga and at Benefits Of Yoga also at Yoga Poses

Learning About The Various Types of Yoga

Do you ever get so busy you can't even think straight? Do you frequently suffer from headaches and feel lethargic? Instead of indulging in all the "one-pill cures" on late night television, why not take an hour of your day to do yoga? Millions of Americans are finding a sense of peace and relaxation, while improving circulation, muscle definition and flexibility.

Many beginners like to start with Iyengar yoga, where positions are held longer to provide maximum stretching and minimal injury. Unlike "flow" yoga styles, there are breaks between positions and an emphasis on long, deep stretches for people of all levels. Props like mats, blankets, straps and blocks help take some of the strain off the body.

Fitness yoga aims to increase flexibility, muscle strength and improve energy and cardiovascular systems. This is a more modern approach to the ancient principles and targets certain areas like the gluteus muscle or abdomen to tone and strengthen. Similarly, Pilates yoga is one of the most popular forms, with over 11 million regular practitioners in the US and over 14,000 instructors. The core postural muscles and spinal cord are emphasized, in addition to utilizing flowing movements to strengthen and define.

Ashtanga Vinyasa (also known as "power yoga" or "Raja yoga") is derived from an ancient Indian manuscript called "the Yoga Kurunta." The word "ashtanga" literally translates to mean "eight limbs," which refers to eight positions: yama (moral codes), niyama (self-purification and study), asana (posture), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (sense control), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (contemplation). Vinyasa means "breath-synchronized movement." After warming up with "Sun Salutations," the different postures are repeated with smooth flowing movements and specific breathing patterns. This advanced style of yoga attracts people who may typically be the cardio types, participating in kickboxing or step classes, and is intended to help extroverted high-stress personalities find their inner quietude.

A couple of forms of yoga are used for therapeutic purposes. Bikram yoga (also known as "hot yoga") occurs in a sauna-like room maintained at 95-100 degrees to induce sweating, leading to body cleansing and additional weight loss. These twenty-six positions loosen the muscles in a relaxing way. The Forrest style meditation yoga from Santa Monica California is intended to release inner emotional pain, purify the body of toxins and strengthen the abdomen through deep breathing and stretches.

Some styles focus on the spiritual side, with chanting, meditating and contemplating, borrowing inspiration from the eight principles of ashtanga. Jivamukti and Kundalini use chanting and rapid repetitive movements to free trapped energy. Karma yoga is derived from the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient sandskrit Hindu scripture and is based around the idea of "union through action." It is believed that one can express love for God by giving up selfish desires and participating in "detached, selfless action," which will eventually result in liberation. The Anusara style is a form of meditation yoga for beginners because teachers believe in positive communication to open the heart and mind. All levels are welcomed and there is a philosophical belief in the intrinsic goodness of humankind. This light-hearted approach to alignment is a good springboard to more intense forms.

There is a yoga class for you. Some people like fitness yoga, while others prefer meditation yoga. Either way, you'll enjoy the increased flexibility, toning, happiness and mental clarity long after your yoga lesson is over.

The world is a fantastic place filled with diversity and new discoveries at every turn. One of these discoveries for the Western world came in the form of Yoga. This ancient practice was known primarily in Eastern religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism but has since become a very popular form of exercise. It is more than that though. It is a process of centering the mind and body into one fluid machine that is highly aware of itself and surroundings. Yoga can be performed by anyone of any age and is great for those beginning their trek into a healthier lifestyle. If you are ready to begin your trek, click here for more information: Kriya Yoga and at Yoga Classes also at Yoga Positions For Beginners

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Iyengar Yoga - A Detailed History

Thousands of miles from America, in the small village of Belur Karnataka, India, a poor Brahmin child who suffered from malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid fever and malnutrition found the key to enlightenment and healing. It is the ultimate miracle of mind-over-matter, as spiritual teachings cured this young lad, who was then quick to pass on his new knowledge. After publishing several books, Belur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar brought his 3,000 year old spiritual practice to the West with Iyengar yoga, a distinct style based upon posturing and contemplating.

Spiritually, Iyengar yoga is based upon Patanjali's eight limbs of raja yoga. The first is Yama, meaning physically and mentally abstaining from the following five things: violence toward others and oneself, from coveting others' belongings, from sexual intercourse, from attachment to possessions and anything that is untrue. The second limb is called Niyama, referring to the five observances: cleanliness of body and mind, satisfaction with what one has, penance and mental control, introspection and surrender to God. Asana refers to posture and position (ideally an erect stance with relaxed muscles) and Pranayama is the directed control of one's breath, which is so vital to successful yoga practice. Pratayahara calls for the quieting of senses connected with the outer world. Only then will Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (oneness with the Supreme Being) naturally follow.

In practice, Iyengar yoga is a strange form to watch. Instructors position students in various poses using straps, belts, sandbags, benches and blocks. In total, there are 200 posture positions (also known as "asanas"), as well as 14 breathing techniques (known as "pranayamas"). Beginners, elderly participants and those recuperating from illness often select this form of yoga because it's relatively easy on the body and each member of the class receives individualized attention to ensure that they get the most from the class. 

At, interested people can find the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States. Students will learn from certified instructors and can progress through six levels of awareness and form. The "Our Teachers" tab will take prospective students to the search function so they can find the nearest teacher.

Perhaps more than any other form of exercise, Yoga has been around the longest. Originating in India, this popular form of exercise has been practiced around the world. Why? The physical portion of the workout is very low-impact and can be performed by anyone of any age. The same cannot be said of kick boxing classes or Jazzercise. But there is more to Yoga than just working out the body. It is also a lifestyle that can bring clarity to the mind through spiritual exercises of meditation and concentration. Are you ready to begin your path to a healthy body and mind? Click here to find out more: Yoga Moves and at Tantra Yoga also at Yoga Sandals

Hatha Yoga Is One Of The Most Well Known And Practiced Type of Yoga

Ancient Hindu yogis used asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing) to prepare themselves for long periods of meditation. In the West, these same practices are used for relaxation and body sculpting, although true Hatha yoga involves an entire holistic path with meditation and study as well.

Hatha yoga (pronounced "ha-tuh") literally translates to "sun-moon," referring to the two different energy channels within the body. Most Americans know yoga as the combination of breathing techniques and posturing, but in traditional Indian religion, it is one of the paths that leads to Raja Yoga (or the "contemplation of One Reality.") The practice of this yogic form was widely spread by 15th Century Indian sage Swami Swatamarama and was designed to assist individuals in finding and unblocking internal chakras (or energy centers). Through true understanding and meditation, it was believed that disease and disorders could be prevented and treated in this way.

The first step is the practicing of the different asanas (poises) to help the mind and body align with one another and open the inner channels of communication. By finding the right posture, one can remain comfortable for long periods of time while meditating. Secondly, proper breathing techniques (sometimes referred to as "pranayama") are taught. Next, some students may choose to delve more deeply into the philosophical roots. Yoga instructor David Williams (from Hawaii) once noted, "Before you've practiced, the theory is useless. After you've practiced, the theory is obvious."

The end result of practicing this style of yoga is markedly noticed almost immediately. Suddenly you can stretch a bit further and touch those toes. You're not huffing and puffing carrying laundry up to the top floor of the house anymore. Your bowel movements are even more regular than usual and you find that stomach aches and head aches rarely occur these days. Your abdomen, legs and gluteus are looking more defined too. When you're at work and start to feel stressed, you take a deep breath and reconnect with the relaxation techniques you learned in class, although the anxiety rarely reaches you on a physical level anymore. Your energy levels are revitalized, your hormones are balanced and a calm sense of euphoria and appreciation for each day takes root in your soul. Life is good, thanks to Hatha yoga, a practice that goes back thousands of years to some infinite source of knowledge the West generally seemed to have overlooked.

There is certainly something to be learned from ancient Indian religions and yogi sages. The practicality of Hatha yoga appeals to many Westerners who aren't entirely sure how to go about physically and mentally reaching spirituality and a true understanding of oneself. While magazines like Vogue may have us believing yoga is for celebrities and athletes, the essential nature of Hatha yoga encompasses a philosophical level too. "The beauty is that people often come here for the stretch, and leave with a lot more," says Liza Ciano, co-owner & co-director of Yoga Vermont. Check to find your class today.

The world is a fantastic place filled with diversity and new discoveries at every turn. One of these discoveries for the Western world came in the form of Yoga. This ancient practice was known primarily in Eastern religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism but has since become a very popular form of exercise. It is more than that though. It is a process of centering the mind and body into one fluid machine that is highly aware of itself and surroundings. Yoga can be performed by anyone of any age and is great for those beginning their trek into a healthier lifestyle. If you are ready to begin your trek, click here for more information: Yoga Accessories and at Yoga Certification also at Yoga Sandals

Finding Out About Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga And It's Many Advantages

Peaceful, serene, strong, relaxed, pure -- this is how you will feel after participating in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. This ancient method is based around the idea of "flow" and connected movements. Like most forms of yoga, it's not just a series of "stretches" or exercises -- but rather, a combination of philosophy, moral code, meditation and healthy habits. Muscle definition or flexibility may attract athletes to a yoga center, but for others it's that spiritual yoga meditation that entices -- resulting in a calmer mind, improved circulation and more energy.

Through active, fluid movements, six different positions and specially timed inhaling and exhaling exercises, students of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga hope to reach a state of internal cleansing, mental clarity, strength in body and connectedness with the universal soul. By following the "eight limbs" of yoga, outlined by Indian sage Patanjali Maharishi, students practice the following: moral codes, self-purification and study, posture, breath control, sense control, concentration, meditation and contemplation.

In the beginning of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, a yoga instructor will help students master "external cleansing practices." They learn about morality and study, while practicing specific postures and breathing. Instructors help beginners find the correct positions and inspire students to live a just and moral existence. Next, after days of mastering the proper poses and gaining strength, students will learn to control their minds. Through posture, breathing and focusing, the practice purifies the body, nervous system and mind over time.

In practice, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga involves six specific postures (otherwise known as "asanas") that are always completed in the same order. In the opening asana, there are ten standing "Sun Salutations" or "The Primary Series," which is intended to align and detoxify the body. The "Intermediate Series" works on the nervous system by opening and clearing internal energy pathways. "The Advanced Series A, B, C and D" helps students achieve maximum flexibility, strength, definition and humility. Teachers emphasize the mastering of each level before moving on, with special focus and attention given to each step of progress.

The ujjayi (meaning "victorious breath") method of exhaling and inhaling, combined with the fluid, dynamic asanas, heats the blood and generates a detoxifying sweat, or what is known as "internal cleansing." Advanced methods of breathing techniques (bandhas) teach students how to "lock" or "seal" energy and redirect it to one of the 72,000 energy channels within the body. To obtain maximum benefit from the asanas, learning to lock in positive energy is crucial. Nine different focus points seek to purify and stabilize the mind, facilitating concentration.

Once perfect form is achieved, a true understanding of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is found and the six spiritual poisons (desire, anger, delusion, greed, sloth and envy) will dissipate. It is said that the mind will become unshackled and true happiness and understanding will pour in. With life moving so fast, the practicality of yoga meditation attracts roughly 16.5 million Americans each year.

Practicing Yoga and Pilates is nothing new. Its been around for centuries but has enjoyed a revival of interest in the past few decades. It is not just naturalists, Buddhists or Hindus practicing, it is now a mainstream form of exercise and relaxation. If you do not have a regular workout program or even if you want a change of pace, Yoga may be what you need. You can look good and feel good quickly. Are you ready to begin learning this ancient art? Click here to read more: Hatha Yoga Techniques and at Kids Yoga also at Yoga Exercises During Pregnancy

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Yoga is Good Exercise for Fitness Beginners

There are many kinds of yoga exercises, all which seem to have derived from the original eight stages of reaching a state of bliss. Breathing techniques and different poses ensures good health through Hatha yoga, which is the most popular form of yoga practiced.

Yoga does not require expensive or fancy equipment to perform the exercises. A positive attitude is all you need to bring. Clothing does not have to be special either. It best to wear loose fitting and nonrestrictive clothes.

You do not have to join a yoga class as any quiet spot in your house is perfectly fine to practice yoga. Ensure that there are no distractions, it is quiet, clean and has plenty of air flow.  A soft mat may be handy together with a blanket and a pillow which will help give you some form of support and added comfort for the laying or sitting down positions. Yoga is normally practiced barefoot, so you don’t need any expensive shoes though you may wish to wear some socks or soft shoes.

Try not to eat a heavy meal for at least two or three hours before doing any yoga exercises. You do not want to have a full feeling as you are moving through the exercises. You can eat some fruit or an energy bar and drink a glass of juice an hour or so before doing yoga. You should drink plenty of water as you perform your yoga exercises to stave off any dehydration.

Many people like to practice yoga first thing in the morning as it helps to revitalise the mind and body using the postures and breathing techniques. Some yoga practitioners prefer to exercise at night to help relieve the stress from a busy day. It is perfectly fine to do both. Yoga can be performed anytime and anywhere, you just have to find best time.

Yoga positions for beginners always start with easy poses, building up to the more difficult poses. Too much strain is not the goal as you should pause if you feel any pain or fatigue. It is beneficial to relax between difficult exercises.

Daily yoga exercises is optimal. You can do as little as 15 minutes of exercises and 15 minutes of breathing and meditation each day and you will start to reap the benefits.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Benefits of Yoga - Both Emotional and Physical

The art of yoga has been mainly designed to focus on the total wellness of an individual. When a person gets involved with yoga they will certainly learn new types of lifestyle ideas as well as new ways of approaching life within the world. Yoga has the ability to improve your health in numerous different ways.

In addition, you will also increase your level of strength as well as become more flexible, improve your balance as well as educating yourself to release your stress and add to your vitality. Yoga can also be a pleasant way to lose weight.

Through the practice of the numerous yoga positions, better known as asanas, heightens your flexibility through working on your joints as well as your muscles, ligaments and tendons. You will begin to notice a substantial improvement in how flexible your body will become as you persist in your practice of yoga. You will be pleasantly surprised with the benefits of yoga for instance the increased muscle tone and the lowering of body fat.

Yoga is great for completely messaging your internal organs as well as the glands of your upper body which includes those that infrequently get stimulation needed. Through the use of messaging your organs as well as your glands yoga assists your bodies defenses to resist diseases from harming your health.

A substantial benefit of doing yoga is the added blood flow that happens throughout your physical body which adds to the strength of your health. The added flow of blood substantially helps your body's natural ability to lower toxin substances as well as delivers added nourishments through your body.

Yoga for the Mind

One of the most profound benefits of yoga that happens is the capability of putting your internal mind as well as your body into a state of harmony, mainly through the use of meditation. Meditation gives you the ability to clear your inner mind and provides much needed inner peace. The meditation aspect of yoga can assist in taking away stress that is unhealthy from both your body and your mind. There are negative aspects of stress that effects your endocrinal, emotional as well as physical systems.

Yoga has been utilized to treat many different ailments. Some of these are; depression, headaches, backaches, assorted addictions, constipation, high blood pressure, indigestion problems, obesity as well as other types of health problems.

Various studies have demonstrated that the advantages of practicing yoga include providing people with the means to have a degree of control over an assortment of body functions such as the temperature of their body, the level of their blood pressure, their internal heart rate, brain waves, their metabolism rate as well as their respiratory function.

Lowering The Level Of Pain

An added advantage of doing the practice of yoga is yoga's capability of assisting in the reduction of pain and by helping a persons brain to regulate a significant mechanism that is located in their spinal cord and by augmenting the production and release of pain reducing substances that are made within your body. The routines that yoga uses for breathing also can furnishes much welcomed pain relief.

If you have back pain which clearly nobody wants then first check with your physician to learn if yoga may be appropriate for your personal situation. Yoga has been demonstrated to help relieve back pain through improving your flexibility as well as your strength. By practicing yoga on a consistent basis you will end up in good physical shape and you will also end up appreciating the physical as well as the emotional advantages of yoga.

To learn more go to Benefits Of Yoga advice  and at History Of Kriya Yoga tips.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yoga Certification - What You Need To Know

Yoga certifications should not be that easy to acquire. After all, the entire reason behind certification is to ensure the quality and certification loses all meaning when potential instructors that have lesser levels of competence and yoga schools that are questionable become certified. Certification standards that are poor will end up hurting the students due to improper technique and might lead to injuries and the students certainly will not be getting there moneys worth.

Accompanied along with the yoga craze that is sweeping the globe, the practice that was started in ancient India has been co-opted into becoming the basis of a multi-billion dollar industry. Just in the United States alone people end up spending in excess of 3 billion USD per year on classes for yoga and associated yoga equipment.

It's no big surprise that numerous amounts of people with only minimal knowledge on the practice of yoga are attempting to get in on a piece of the action. As a result of this behavior, numerous McYoga type of schools or schools of yoga that are of lower quality have been springing up like so many pimples on a teenagers face all over the nation.

The desire for the would be practitioners of this sacred and ancient practice to learn which schools are legitimate and which are the ones that need avoiding have subsequently led to the practice of yoga certification.

Accreditation of Yoga Schools

Yoga certifications official bodies themselves are a highly discriminating sort. Some will if a particular school will end up teaching a specific type of yoga, for example. Some in depth research will help a person to reveal which yoga certification bodies will be of the greatest assistance for the type of yoga that a person  is interested in.

You will also find that there are general practice yoga certification groups for instance Yoga Alliance in the USA that might even assist you to locate schools that are properly accredited in any form or yoga in your local area.

When searching for a school for yoga or an instructor for yoga, always proceed with the same precautions that you would normally take if you were thinking of attending any other school. Yoga certification ought to be constantly checked and rechecked. If a certain school gets certification, always do more research on that certification.

There are some yoga certifications that can be purchased on the internet without having any true assurance of proficiency from the instructor or any type of quality from the school. When your own health as well as your own personal money is at stake, you can never take too many precautions to ensure a successful outcome.

Frequently you will find that there are some instructors that will claim to practice a specific form of yoga that they will claim to have created on their own. As such it is not probable that this type of practice will be given yoga certification from any official body that certifies orthodox yoga practices.

Even though there might be some instructors who are providing actual advantages with their particular system, it will be difficult to discern which do as numerous others will simply be hucksters who end up claiming to have created their own system so that they can dodge questions of certifications.

To learn more go to Yoga Classes advice  and at Power Yoga tips.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Advantages of Yoga Exercises For Women During Pregnancy

Yoga exercises, or asanas, are various types of modes or positioning or moving your body. There are diverse yoga exercises that can provide substantial benefits to women's health particularly in times of pregnancy. Broadly differing in the range of style as well as implementation, these types of exercises smoothly stretch as well as effect all different parts of the body.

Around the time of pregnancy, yoga exercises provide a smooth way to keep a healthy balance in life. The exceptional effects of these types of yoga exercises while a women is in pregnancy show the effectiveness of yoga which helps to ensure a lower hazard of pregnancy, natural childbirth as well as an easier transition to the body shape in post-pregnancy period. This articles points out different factors that show benefits through the use and practice of yoga exercises while a woman is in pregnancy.

A Healthier Feeling

Yoga exercises have the ability to assist in relieving contractions and edema which typically happens through the last phases of pregnancy. These kinds of exercises assist in affecting the position of the baby and turning it in advance as needed. With the assistance of exercising, the muscles of the abdomen become stronger which in time promotes healthy and regular bowel movements.

Yoga exercises also help in elevating the energy level through the process of lowering the rate of a persons metabolism, which in turn, helps to restore a persons attentiveness as well as their calmness. Symptoms of mood swings, nausea, and morning sickness can help in being alleviated through the use of Yogic pranayama. These types of various exercises also assist in discharging the tension that occur in the birth canal as well as the cervix areas.

These assorted yoga exercises provide health benefits in differing ways. For instance, meditation assists in focusing a persons mind, which eventually helps the focus of a pregnant woman on the opening of the pelvis during the time of labor. At the time of post natal care, yoga exercises are known to be very useful.

These types of exercises assist in rejuvenating the uterus, pelvic floor, and abdomen while offering help in alleviating discomfort of the breast and tension in the area of the upper back. The practice of pranayama or better understood under the description of yogic breathing exercises.

This type of exercise ensures an ample supply of oxygen as well as an increased quality of life for the woman who is pregnant as well as her child. A devoted commitment to the practice of pranayama guarantees a high quality supply of oxygen and the prana or energy that is taken from the air to the baby developing within the expecting mother's womb.

There are other kinds of yoga exercises such as Bandhas as well as Mudras which provide the psycho-physiological affect on a women's reproductive organs. Then again, yogic nidra is a technique that is essential to acquire deep relaxation without the loss of conscious awareness.

Yogic nidra similarly with many other types of yoga exercises can furnish potential advantages particularly in the initial stages of pregnancy during which the women's sleep is typically broken as well as being inconsistent. The significance of yogic nidra is recognized at this point in time with it's providential contribution that features total body relaxation of mind, body as well as spirit.

To learn more go to Tantra Yoga advice  and at Types Of Yoga tips.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Basic Yoga - What Everyone Needs To Know Now

Basic yoga is very simple to learn. There is no exercise equipment required. You jut need to spend roughly 30 minutes at the most completing all the necessary movements. All that you really need is a yoga mat and some extra space and unless you have issues of mobility, you can begin immediately. It is no secret that the human body is a highly resilient and astonishing piece of machinery. It has the ability to do things that can literally astonish us.

There are things that are bodies can do that we are not even aware of. Yoga is a great case in point. Odds are, if you have ever noticed pictures of asanas or poses for yoga, you have witnessed the practitioners of yoga accomplish things that in normal cases, you would not believe possible, yet there they are doing it.

The odds are, you have the ability to accomplish these things as well, only not immediately. Attempting any one of the advanced asanas if you have before done any conditioning can end up in severe injury. The appropriate as well as persistent practice of primary techniques of yoga is essential so that you can make these types of advanced movements achievable.

Over the 5,000 years that yoga has been in existence there is said to be in excess of 8,400,000 asanas or positions of yoga that were compiled by the masters of yoga. For the majority of novices of yoga, substantially less are needed to get started. The amount of primary yoga asans that are recommended by instructors differs yet typically there are a little more than 12 primary movements of yoga positions that are trained to beginners.

Even if a person is not so inclined to have the ability to execute the more advanced and complex types of asanas, there are numerous benefits to practicing basic yoga exercises, regardless of the school of thought you may choose to follow. The initial and most clear benefits are that of improved flexibility, balance and strength.

One of the less obvious benefits of practicing yoga is that of an increased awareness of oneself as well as that of nature. Additionally, yoga has demonstrated to provide benefits to your health such a heightened internal functions of your organs, an increased immune system, reduction of the various symptoms of numerous types of diseases as well as numerous other types of benefits. All different kinds of yogas, which include basic yoga, assists in relaxation as well as lowering stress without any fatigue and too much exertion.

Yoga Body Movements

Basic yoga involves seven main types of movements while exercising that include flexion, rotation, circumduction, adduction, extension, as well as hyperextension. Various combinations of these kinds of body movements are utilized to make the yoga positions and stances. These movements are accompanied with breathing exercises as well as various levels of concentration.

A persons breathing is also the guide in basic yoga for arriving into an asanas, as well as coming out of it. All of the various movements are ideally completed in a graceful manner. To educate yourself on how to complete basic yoga, search for an instructor that is qualified or the next step would be to search for educational videos that might help you out.

To learn more go to Yoga Exercises advice and at What Is Yoga tips.

Monday, August 25, 2008

What is Yoga? A View At An Ancient Practice

The question "What is Yoga?" is not the type of question that is answered simply or in depth in such a short space. The practice of yoga has numerous unique schools of thought and varying opinions. In ancient Hinduism, the term "yoga" is more or less a general one, similar to the word "biology" or "physics".

For the vast majorities of Hindius, the word "yoga" stands for a type of "technology of the spirit" (even though it doesn't actually translate directly into that), which involves meditation, asceticism. The main goal of "yoga" in this type of circumstance is to get a more beneficial understanding of yourself, of nature, and of the various concepts of existence itself.

Ideas as well as beliefs have been influenced outside of the Indian subcontinent by yoga. Buddism in all of its various forms has been highly shaped by the constructs behind yoga, as has the numerous other asian philosophies and religions. For disciples of other religions, the question of "what is yoga" will be different in a significant way. There are many people who will carry out practices that are highly influenced through the use of yoga without really knowing what it is.

What is Yoga in the Western Environment?

For western culture yoga is a relatively new introduction. It was first introduced in the latter half of the nineteenth century by Swami Vivekananda, an Indian spiritual philosopher and spiritual leader whose speeches on the philosophy behind Indian culture and yoga mesmerized audiences in both the United States as well as the United Kingdom.

He passed away at a relatively young age in his late 30's, however the seeds of ideas that he planted would later develop into the current day practice of yoga in Western society. The counter-culture of western society that sprung up in the latter half of the twentieth century. It's assorted interests in many things Eastern furnished the practice of yoga with the drive it required to arise into the prevalent practice in western culture that it is today.

Yoga in the context of western culture affiliated with Hatha Yoga postures or "asanas" as a type of exercise. Even though there are traditionally only 6 styles of orthodox yoga, (Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga) people in western culture have integrated various ideas from these types of schools of thought with each other or even with completely foreign concepts to arrive at other types of styles which might arguably be named "yoga". Amongst these are "laughing yoga" and "chair yoga".

In the west yoga is very well liked, particularly in the United State of America. People in America spend in excess of 3 billion dollars each year on classes for yoga as well as associated accessories. Whether or not this Commodification of a ritual that is ancient is helpful or not to the overall practice is debatable; however it does beg more in depth questions on "what is yoga" and what it's practices stand for.

What is Yoga And How Does It Benefit a Person?

There have been many different benefits that have been shown to the practitioners of yoga. Firstly, the traditional forms of practices pf yoga have shown to enhance strength, flexibility, endurance, as well as general well being and lower the psychological stress and trauma.

Helpful effects on people suffering from asthma as well as individuals with heart conditions who practice yoga breathing techniques have also been demonstrated. There have also been numerous other advantages to using yoga that have been claimed, however unfortunately, not all of them have been proven.

To learn more go to Yoga Positions advice  and at Yoga Apparel tips.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Beginner Yoga Exercises: Yoga Positions For Beginners

The origins of yoga come from centuries of development and practice, and it has only been in recent years that others have recognized the health benefits it has to offer. If a regular schedule is kept then there are many health benefits that will be noticed. When practicing beginning yoga exercises, the door to a healthier lifestyle will open up, offering one a tone body, weight loss, and decreased health issues.

Types of Yoga

Making the choice of which type of yoga to choose might be difficult at first. As a beginner, you should examine different styles and pick the appropriate one for your personality, present health condition, and your fitness level. Make sure you understand what each type has to offer so that when you begin, you are able to perform without any muscle strains.

Yoga Instructors

As a beginning yoga student, the most important thing you can do is consult with an instructor. When you workout, it is important to have an experienced teacher help you out. He or she will help you in selecting the type of yoga that will offer you the best benefits according to your body type. It is important that you maintain the correct body alignment. To perform all of the poses safely, the instructor might adjust them to allow for any physical limitations that you might have. The yoga teacher will make sure that each pose targets specific health issues you might have to get relief in the shortest time possible.

More likely than not, you will be able to locate a yoga class in a gym or studio. What you will usually find is that most of these places offer a free class to begin with so you can test the waters and see if it is right for you.

Attitude Is Everything

Having a good attitude is a key element in yoga. Yoga is non-competitive in nature and it is important to keep this in mind when you are in class.

Concentrate on your body and its responses to you. It is important to challenge yourself, but you want to listen to your body and don't push yourself past its limits. If you start to feel some pain beyond the normal discomfort then you need to ease up the yoga posture a bit. When you start out you have to remember that not every pose will be perfect. Some discomfort will be felt during each pose. Just make sure to listen to your body.

Yoga: Breathing Methods

It is necessary to properly breathe during each pose. Breath deeply in and out through your nose through the entire yoga workout. To stay relaxed and focused, proper breathing during each exercise is vital. If you start to notice any tensing then channel your breathing to relax the tensed area. If you feel you are unable to maintain proper breathing during a pose then you should come out of that pose.

Some basic items are a good idea to have when you start, such as a yoga sticky mat, strap, blocks and maybe an instruction video. You can get a much better workout on an empty stomach, but you definitely want to drink a lot of water before and after your exercise to prevent dehydration.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Get Rid Of The Pain With Yoga Meditation

This article seeks to give you some idea about how to manage and even eliminate pain by the use of meditation and certain yoga techniques. The very first thing that needs to be made crystal clear is that it isn't complicated, it doesn't take a whole bunch of time and it can mainly be done by anyone. Though it is an age old practice, it is very much in use today as well and people from all over the world swear by it. What meditation does - never mind if it is used for spiritual, religious or just relaxation purposes - is to make the mind calm by focusing on a certain object.
Different techniques are available and may be performed with chants, meditation music or in absolute silence. The focus could be on some object close by or you could focus on the breaths that you take as they go in and out of your body. No matter what the approach used, a quiet environment and a fixed uninterrupted time span will be required. Once you have decided what it is you want to focus on and where you are going to practice it, make yourself comfortable- not too much so you fall asleep. Done right, this gets you into a detached state even though you are aware of what is going on around you - this is a relaxed rather trance-like state. The majority of people's experience with mediation has been limited to the Alpha State. However, there are two much deeper states where the mind is able to become calmer still.

Many of the world's religions have meditation as a part pf their religious rituals but it with Buddhism that the practice is most closely associated and linked. Buddhism uses it in order to focus and direct one's mental path to get to the point of enlightenment. You can meditate anywhere and in any posture - while lying back, walking, sitting, whatever - however, the best position would be 'zazen' or sitting down.

The benefits of meditation have been researched and put down in a study by Harvard professor, Herbert Benson. Studies have demonstrated that as little as 20 minutes a day aids in the reduction of blood pressure, muscular tension, heart and breathing rates and in lowering metabolism. The deeper states will very often bring about mental images like bursts of color and images and maybe even a still, small voice. Studies have been done to prove the efficacy of meditation in relieving stress-related illnesses as well as pain and mental diseases like depression. The good news is that with better self awareness, comes a better state of health and well-being for you both in mind as well as body and you find yourself functioning much better that you thought possible. Though traditional use of meditation was to be seen in spiritual well being, recent popularity is due to its ability to relieve stress and achieve relaxed tranquil state of mind in the midst of the rat-race. Overall, the combination of yoga classes and daily meditation is going to bring you a lot closer to a life that is completely free of stress.

Friday, July 4, 2008

More About The Benefit Of Yoga

Yoga, derived from Sanskrit, is a lot more than just meditation - it stands for a way of life that balances the physical, mental and spiritual so there is harmony, that is why the name means union. There's probably no older system for man's personal development than this ancient practice. It has been practiced for five thousand years and is a type of conditioning of the body and places importance on both strengthening the body and mind while motivating the spirit and is a belief and discipline. The benefit of yoga is more than just weight loss.

Yogi and Yogini refer to male and female practitioners of yoga respectively. The practice is considered to be an applied science that deals with mind and body and it is one among the six famous orthodox systems of Indian philosophy. This is not just a case is of sitting in a lotus position and chanting in unity but is a huge subject and if you understand it can become a research for your entire life.

Back problems due to postural alignment conditions are specifically healed by yoga and it is also a great stress reliever. People who have cancer practice this in addition to other therapies as it makes them feel good. Many feel that the best time to perform the discipline is on an empty stomach, before any food is consumed in the morning.

There are many types of this ancient practice, a few of them are stated below: Raja Yoga: The chief component of this style is meditation. Raja yoga which is one of the four main paths of yoga provides aids to control one's mind, body, energy and senses. Kundalini Yoga - This is very popular and is a safe and unstressed practice, providing quick results. It is founded on specially devised sets of exercises known as kriyas. Hatha Yoga - This is a good system made up of postures called asanas and combining breathing control called pranayama. This is the foundation for all modern posture based types of yoga. The Sahaja yoga is based on the experience of self realization that resides within each individual. This is a unique way of meditating. Moksha hot yoga: This is therapeutic yoga that is a practiced in a special place with a temperature that is above the atmospheric temperature based on the traditional principles of yoga.

Yoga is getting famous nowadays and is being practiced by both the young as well as the old people as it is good for people of all ages. The reason for the popularity of yoga is that it is not something that is not performed on you but it is something that you perform. Women are encouraged to perform it as it is one of the best activities that you can do during the time that you are pregnant. It is very gentle on the body which will help your to build up flexibility and endurance. Yoga is becoming popular among soldiers who are keen in working on their stamina, mental focus and flexibility as per Fit Yoga and the Associated Press. This discipline brings about a general well-being and inner harmony and physical exercise is not its end.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What Do You Know About Yoga

The Sanskrit word Yoga means Union, an entryway to balancing the spiritual, mental and physical aspects of the being. This is a total personal growth program and it is very ancient. It has been practiced for five thousand years and is a type of conditioning of the body and places importance on both strengthening the body and mind while motivating the spirit and is a belief and discipline.

A Yogi is a male who practices yoga and a Yogini is a female practitioner. In Indian philosophy, there are six orthodox systems and this system is one of them, being a practice that ensures health for the body and the mind. This is not just a case is of sitting in a lotus position and chanting in unity but is a huge subject and if you understand it can become a research for your entire life.

Back problems due to postural alignment conditions are specifically healed by yoga and it is also a great stress reliever. Complementary therapies make people feel good and this gives enough cause to cancer patients to resort to these methods. Many experts recommend the morning before breakfast as the best time for practicing it.

This ancient holistic system has many styles, among which are the following: The Raja yoga is referred to as the kingly form where meditation is the main practice. It is one of the four main paths of yoga where different methods help control the mind, senses, energy and body. Kundalini Yoga: The main component here comprises of the kriyas which are special set of exercises that promise instant results and these are very safe and non-stressful to practice. Hatha Yoga: the main components here are postures (asana) and breath control (pranayama). Sahaja Yoga is another very unique meditation method that is based on the actual experience of self realization which can occur within each and every human being. Next on the list is Moksha hot Yoga which is a very unique form which is known to combine traditional yoga's foundations and the precision of the therapeutic yoga within a room that is specially heated.

Yoga has become extremely popular both among adults and children. It is a discipline that is beneficial to all ages. The practice of Yoga is growing fast and becoming popular as it is not what is done to you but it is what you do. Pregnant women can increase endurance and flexibility as it is considered to be one among the best activities that you perform during your pregnancy. Based on information provided by the Associated Press and Fit Yoga, the discipline is becoming increasingly popular among the soldiers that are eager to improve their mental focus, stamina and flexibility. The practice should not only be taken as an exercise but should also be accepted as a method to develop happiness and harmony from within.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Benefits Of Yoga - Reduce Asthma Attacks

As worldwide health issues go asthma is one of the most important; this increase in cases is of concern because it is also affected rising numbers of children. Causing the airways to close up in reaction to allergens in the atmosphere, asthma is a chronic condition that can at least be treated. It is a respiratory condition that affects people on a daily basis and is serious enough to cause death if not dealt with in time.

Initially, the asthma sufferers should carry out strict observation and a diary of when the attacks occur. The severity and frequency of attacks will determine the course of treatment and these fit into three broad categories:

  • The prevention of attacks
  • Relief medication for minor attacks
  • Providing treatment for when serious attacks occur
Bronchodilators are recommended for short-term relief for all patients but those with mild occasional attacks need no other medication; asthmatics who only have a mild form will probably never need to use anything else.

However, patients who experience regular attacks although they may be mild, will probably use a low-dose glucocorticoid or a mastcell stabilizer which would also be used in conjunction with a standard reliever. Oral glucocorticoids will have to be used for the unfortunate asthma patients who have serious and severe attacks. A standard reliever or 'Bronchodilator' will still be used in addition to any other medication they may have prescribed. It is also important that asthmatics learn what actually triggers an attack so they are able to stay clear of the triggers and possibly stop attacks completely. This particular respiratory problem has become to be recognized as a condition that is most associated with poor air quality and the reason why city dwellers are more likely to suffer.

Medications available over the counter and from the doctor can be very useful but should not be relied upon; any medication is designed to relieve attacks but long term use can cause detrimental side-effects like:

  • Constantly fatigued
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Depression
  • Damage to the liver
Increasingly patients with respiratory conditions are opting for more natural remedies that do not have side-effects. These are formulated to treat the condition and not the effects. The task is to strengthen the weak body systems then soothe and calm the hyperactive systems; this is done by substances called catalysts. The catalysts contained in the natural medications are different as they do not have any side-effects so reduce the stress on the system naturally.

Some asthma sufferers have discovered the benefits of yoga as it helps to improve their breathing and overall health. A good nutritional diet will help boost the immune system and natural therapies will not leave large amounts of drugs in your system. Natural medication can also be used that will not leave harmful chemicals in the system; it is most important that the sufferer learns to control their asthma condition.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Yoga - The Theraputic Exercise

In today's modern world, discussing an age-old concept such as yoga can be rather challenging. The real meaning of this ancient concept has been inundated by the quick-fix approach mentality of the modern day globalization. It is amazing to see the whole philosophy fueling yoga's methodology being reduced to a simple concept, justified by the need to make it easy for the layperson to understand. The intricacies of this practice may not be easily understood by the western civilization. In order to be viewed as a person of wisdom, some people who have been exposed to this ancient art have invested their time to learn a little more, only to gain a superficial understanding of the real essence of yoga and then proceed to talk about it as though they are the recognized experts. It becomes a distorted view when westerners perceive yoga as a physical activity. Yoga has been reduced to a physical activity that focuses merely on achieving internal balance and meditation.

It is one of the six schools of Hindu thoughts has roots deep within the pages of the Hindu Holy Scriptures. Any Indian would assure you that it is a spiritual experience that is manifested through a series of complicated physical practice. Viewing yoga as a physical activity is definitely a mistake. The hidden intricacies of this mysterious practice with its strange looking symbols may be successful in making the average westerner aware that there are more to yoga than physical moves alone, but nevertheless they are often misunderstood. Ironically, it is practiced as a popular form of sports. Nevertheless many have been attracted to yoga as a form of practice to achieve inner peace and balance. Additionally, people who desire inner tranquility would often find this practice to be beneficial.

Disciples of yoga are often fascinated by the claims made by their yoga instructors. There is plenty of evidence to show that yoga has been wrongly implemented in the West. These errors were caused by each racial group's internal culture and form. It appears that the west is not prepared to pay the price necessary to gain a deeper understanding of this philosophy. Most Americans do not possess the time to spend moments in meaningful sessions of quiet meditation, which is essential for success when embracing this practice. The Hindus have a different set of value system that is very different from the west, and places low importance in the mere accumulation of physical wealth. Therefore, it is believed that the westerners will never reach the pinnacles of true wisdom dictated by the parameters of the Hindu religion. To gain maximum benefits from each meditation session, one needs to spare time and exercise tremendous patience in carrying out each essential part of the practice. The westerners do not place a high degree of importance in the attainment of philosophical wisdom, as it does for the accumulation of massive wealth and gaining power.

Yoga has been accepted as a fashion There is a lot of information going out promoting yoga as a form of sports; in fact you can grab any of those and start practicing yoga anywhere you want to. During the early years of yoga practice in the US, a lot of yoga “gurus” have emerged, claiming to be experts of this discipline. Yet they gradually dwindled into what they actually are, merely fake gurus and yet they still have real support from their disciples. The growing influence of this unhealthy philosophy is attributed to the disciples who are loyal in spreading the word about the advantages of adopting this crooked form of yogic philosophy.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yoga Can Help Your Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common conditions around the world and severely affects the lives of millions of people; a one hundred percent effective back pain relief cure has yet to be found but that does not mean that some easing of the discomfort cannot be found. While there are a host of prescription medications that help with pain relief, many are doing nothing more than masking the symptoms instead of tackling the underlying cause of the pain. Medication should be used sparingly and under the strict supervision of a medical professional.

It is not difficult to injure your back, especially if you are a manual worker but long term problems can also be the result of an accident; large numbers of people have caused permanent damage to their backs just by sitting poorly for long periods. The most common way to injure your back though is by lifting badly, it is usually recognized immediately by a sharp pain at the base of the spine. There are a number of natural back pain relief methods that mean you will not have to rely on drugs.

Stretching the back is often the simplest method of relief, stretching your back gently can relax your back muscles preventing them from becoming tense. Success at reducing pain and providing relief has also been found by people using reflexology to the feet; some are finding relief using this treatment for back pain and other conditions. Another benefit to reflexology is how it can improve the circulation which helps to ease tense muscles.

The traditional Chinese medicine therapy acupuncture is now providing back pain relief with people suffering spinal problems in the West. If you follow Traditional Chinese medicine then you will know that they believe all people have a unique energy force running through their body called qi or chi. By inserting needles in specific parts of the body, it can help to unblock qi and restore the flow. Many sufferers swear by the use of acupuncture and results from many tests often back this claim; indications are the patient does receive pain relief by using this method.

Another ancient oriental discipline, Tai Chi is similar to many types of Yoga but the movements are much slower and deliberate. The most important aspect of tai chi is that almost anyone can participate as it uses gentle breathing exercises and techniques to help relax the body. To finish, it is a good idea not to forget the huge benefits that exercise can bring in providing back pain relief; it would be a shame to forget the benefits that exercise can provide generally.