Sunday, September 7, 2008

Are There Advantages In Yoga For Pregnant Women

When you're pregnant, there's an almost obsessive protectiveness and an overwhelming desire to do everything you can to foster healthy prenatal development. You may have heard about yoga for pregnant women, but may have also wondered, "Is it safe?" or "What can I or can't I do?" This article will tell you a little about this new craze sweeping the nation and seeks to explain the obvious (and not so obvious) benefits of taking a yoga class during those nine months.

Pregnant women practice yoga for physical benefits. For instance, yoga practice can teach techniques that will be helpful during labor, such as breathing and relieving tension around the cervix and birth canal. Additionally, prenatal physicians recommend combining a light cardiovascular exercise (like walking) with a relaxing, muscle-toning exercise (like yoga) to maintain your physique, in spite of the intense cravings and normal weight gain associated with pregnancy.

Other pregnant women practice yoga for mental benefits. For one, it can be a great support to meet other women going through the same thing you are. Also, there is much emphasis on focusing on the moment and deriving happiness from each and every day, which can be vital when your hormones are out of whack. Yoga has been known to stimulate beta-endorphins, which also brings comfort and a sense of relief.

During the first trimester, standing poses help circulation, strengthen legs and increase energy. Avoid bikram yoga classes that heat up the room or any kind of back/belly/inverted positions. In the second and third trimesters, yoga for your pregnancy will include more sitting positions and breathing techniques.

For yoga classes, look at and search for a yoga center near you. If you'd rather practice alone, some yoga videos that focus on yoga for pregnancy include: Yoga Journal's Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea, Dr. Christine Anderson's Dynamic Prenatal Yoga, Prenatal Yoga: A Complete Home Practice For A Healthy Mother and Baby, Yoga Journal and Lamaze present Yoga For Your Pregnancy and Prenatal Yoga Complete. You can read user reviews at -- or a good place to check out is (just type in "prenatal yoga" and preview or watch actual videos)!

It may surprise you to learn that Yoga dates back to 3300-1700 B.C.E. and has long been a practice of Buddhists, Hindus and other Eastern religions. But what should not be surprising the tremendous benefits that this form of exercise and meditation can bring to your life. Working professionals, students, home-makers and the retired alike are finding how wonderful they feel after participating. The sense of calm that prevails as well as the satisfaction of muscles well worked all make Yoga the perfect blend of philosophy, religion and exercise. Even if you do not practice the spiritual aspects of this ancient practice, you can still benefit. Click here to see more: Yoga Classes and at Yoga Classes also at Yoga Retreat

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