Wednesday, November 25, 2015

How to Stay Fit and Healthy During the Holidays

It's that time of year, which signals it's almost the end of the year and also the time when your calendar becomes bombarded with holiday events. Whether you're attending an event being hosted by friends, families or being hosted by you yourself, your nutrition and exercise regime may become wayward..

With such a hectic and quite possibly erratic schedule, you ask, "How am I suppose to fit exercise and healthy eating in such a festive season?"


If you're accustomed to training at least 60 minutes a day how about reducing this time to 20-30 minutes instead. Short bursts of high intensity workout can do wonders for your metabolism and of course leave you feeling energized and refresh to mingle with pals and family. They are also fun as they can be done anywhere, anytime.

Try this quick interval circuit routine. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds then repeat the same circuit two to three times. (Please make sure to warm up prior to exercise and cool down after).

Jump Squat
Wide Leg Squat
Run On The Spot
Mountain Climber
Jumping Jack
Close hand push up

Next on your checklist is to find the time during this hectic time to eat healthy. Some may opt to skip meals or even drastically reduce their caloric-intake in hopes of indulging later during their festivities. This will actually derail your progress instead of helping you stay on track.

With late nights due to celebrations, early mornings to complete the day's work and dinner parties (yet again!), your focus on preparing and eating healthy may get stretched a little too thin.

Instead of pulling over to a fast-food joint and fueling your body with unhealthy quick fixes, how about fueling it with healthy snacks? Most grocery stores offer extended hours during this busy time of the year... So there's really no excuse!

Fruits as well as raw, unsalted nuts and seeds are healthy options and they will keep you full. Make sure to fuel up on these before heading out to any of your events (you'll be less inclined to lose control and inhale unhealthy appetizers once you get there)!

Remember, holidays are about having fun with friends and family. And, of course, this fun usually includes way too much food and a few alcoholic refreshments. Don't be hard on yourself.

You can certainly indulge and have a few cheat meals... just be careful not to go overboard. Remember that getting back on the wagon is often harder than falling off of it.

Let me know if you tried any of these tips, how they worked for you or if you have any other great tips to keep on track over the holidays.

Happy Holidays from Body Envy!

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