Saturday, January 16, 2016

5 Foolproof Strategies for Getting and Staying Motivated

How do you not only get motivated but stay motivated when it comes to creating a healthier lifestyle? Unfortunately it's not always as simple as just deciding to make a change. It can take effort to create a new habit and that can seem like a scary thing. I used to struggle with getting and staying motivated and making any kind of lasting change in my life. It was so easy to set a goal and then just forget about it. I never really took goal setting seriously because I was never motivated enough to see them through to completion. It turns out that I was approaching the idea of motivation all wrong. I thought it was something you just had or you didn't, not something you could work on and develop. After many months of trial and error I have finally figured out what it takes to get and stay motivated and achieve any goal you set for yourself.

1. Get Interested
You need to set a goal that truly interests you and that you'll want to work towards achieving. There is no point in setting a goal to run a marathon if the thought of lacing up your sneakers makes your skin crawl. You need to find an aspect of healthy living that you're interested in and run with it. Do you like cooking? Take a cooking class or sign up for your favourite foodies newsletter. Are you a fan of baseball? See if there is a team you can join in your area or head to the local batting cages. Instead of forcing yourself to do something you hate because you think it will give you a desired outcome, instead figure out what it is that you truly enjoy and give that a try. The worst that will happen is that you will find out you don't like it after all and you can move on and try something else.

2. Follow Likeminded People
Surround yourself with the kind of people that you really admire and wish to emulate. There is nothing more inspirational than seeing someone with a similar goal to yours crush it and show you that anything is possible. Nelson Mandela said "It always seems impossible until it's done." Surrounding ourselves with people who take inspired action and surpass their goals can go a long way in keeping us motivated. Podcasts can be great places to find inspiration folks!

3. Submerge Yourself
I want you to bury yourself in whatever world you're interested in and absorb as much as you can. Let's say you're interested in kickboxing for example. I want you to devour everything kickboxing that you can find: go to classes, read blogs and books about kickboxing, follow kickboxing accounts on Instagram and Pinterest, join a kickboxing Facebook group, check out your local boxing club and try a free class. By completely submerging yourself in that world you are keeping it at the forefront of your mind. Have you ever heard the saying "out of sight out of mind?" It's relevant here too. Don't give yourself the option of forgetting about your goal. Keep it front and centre in your mind by submerging yourself in it.

4. Be consistent and take action
You cannot simply set a goal for yourself and expect anything to happen if you never take any action. For this step to work you really need to buckle down and commit to being consistent. Think about an Olympic athlete for a minute. They don't simply decide to break the record for the 100m dash and then do it. Far from it. They are successful because they get out on the track every single day and put in the work. They are consistent with their action and because of that smash through any goal they set.

5. Stay accountable
Finding someone or something to be accountable to can really help you to stay on track with your goals. It can be too easy to let ourselves off the hook when it comes to eating well or working out but a lot more difficult to skip a workout when you have someone waiting for you at the gym. This is why it is so important to ask for help and get support from a professional like a personal trainer or a nutritionist. It can make the difference between meeting a goal and giving up on one.

Once you master these strategies there will be no stopping you!

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