Monday, June 30, 2008

Benefits Of Yoga - Reduce Asthma Attacks

As worldwide health issues go asthma is one of the most important; this increase in cases is of concern because it is also affected rising numbers of children. Causing the airways to close up in reaction to allergens in the atmosphere, asthma is a chronic condition that can at least be treated. It is a respiratory condition that affects people on a daily basis and is serious enough to cause death if not dealt with in time.

Initially, the asthma sufferers should carry out strict observation and a diary of when the attacks occur. The severity and frequency of attacks will determine the course of treatment and these fit into three broad categories:

  • The prevention of attacks
  • Relief medication for minor attacks
  • Providing treatment for when serious attacks occur
Bronchodilators are recommended for short-term relief for all patients but those with mild occasional attacks need no other medication; asthmatics who only have a mild form will probably never need to use anything else.

However, patients who experience regular attacks although they may be mild, will probably use a low-dose glucocorticoid or a mastcell stabilizer which would also be used in conjunction with a standard reliever. Oral glucocorticoids will have to be used for the unfortunate asthma patients who have serious and severe attacks. A standard reliever or 'Bronchodilator' will still be used in addition to any other medication they may have prescribed. It is also important that asthmatics learn what actually triggers an attack so they are able to stay clear of the triggers and possibly stop attacks completely. This particular respiratory problem has become to be recognized as a condition that is most associated with poor air quality and the reason why city dwellers are more likely to suffer.

Medications available over the counter and from the doctor can be very useful but should not be relied upon; any medication is designed to relieve attacks but long term use can cause detrimental side-effects like:

  • Constantly fatigued
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Depression
  • Damage to the liver
Increasingly patients with respiratory conditions are opting for more natural remedies that do not have side-effects. These are formulated to treat the condition and not the effects. The task is to strengthen the weak body systems then soothe and calm the hyperactive systems; this is done by substances called catalysts. The catalysts contained in the natural medications are different as they do not have any side-effects so reduce the stress on the system naturally.

Some asthma sufferers have discovered the benefits of yoga as it helps to improve their breathing and overall health. A good nutritional diet will help boost the immune system and natural therapies will not leave large amounts of drugs in your system. Natural medication can also be used that will not leave harmful chemicals in the system; it is most important that the sufferer learns to control their asthma condition.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Yoga - The Theraputic Exercise

In today's modern world, discussing an age-old concept such as yoga can be rather challenging. The real meaning of this ancient concept has been inundated by the quick-fix approach mentality of the modern day globalization. It is amazing to see the whole philosophy fueling yoga's methodology being reduced to a simple concept, justified by the need to make it easy for the layperson to understand. The intricacies of this practice may not be easily understood by the western civilization. In order to be viewed as a person of wisdom, some people who have been exposed to this ancient art have invested their time to learn a little more, only to gain a superficial understanding of the real essence of yoga and then proceed to talk about it as though they are the recognized experts. It becomes a distorted view when westerners perceive yoga as a physical activity. Yoga has been reduced to a physical activity that focuses merely on achieving internal balance and meditation.

It is one of the six schools of Hindu thoughts has roots deep within the pages of the Hindu Holy Scriptures. Any Indian would assure you that it is a spiritual experience that is manifested through a series of complicated physical practice. Viewing yoga as a physical activity is definitely a mistake. The hidden intricacies of this mysterious practice with its strange looking symbols may be successful in making the average westerner aware that there are more to yoga than physical moves alone, but nevertheless they are often misunderstood. Ironically, it is practiced as a popular form of sports. Nevertheless many have been attracted to yoga as a form of practice to achieve inner peace and balance. Additionally, people who desire inner tranquility would often find this practice to be beneficial.

Disciples of yoga are often fascinated by the claims made by their yoga instructors. There is plenty of evidence to show that yoga has been wrongly implemented in the West. These errors were caused by each racial group's internal culture and form. It appears that the west is not prepared to pay the price necessary to gain a deeper understanding of this philosophy. Most Americans do not possess the time to spend moments in meaningful sessions of quiet meditation, which is essential for success when embracing this practice. The Hindus have a different set of value system that is very different from the west, and places low importance in the mere accumulation of physical wealth. Therefore, it is believed that the westerners will never reach the pinnacles of true wisdom dictated by the parameters of the Hindu religion. To gain maximum benefits from each meditation session, one needs to spare time and exercise tremendous patience in carrying out each essential part of the practice. The westerners do not place a high degree of importance in the attainment of philosophical wisdom, as it does for the accumulation of massive wealth and gaining power.

Yoga has been accepted as a fashion There is a lot of information going out promoting yoga as a form of sports; in fact you can grab any of those and start practicing yoga anywhere you want to. During the early years of yoga practice in the US, a lot of yoga “gurus” have emerged, claiming to be experts of this discipline. Yet they gradually dwindled into what they actually are, merely fake gurus and yet they still have real support from their disciples. The growing influence of this unhealthy philosophy is attributed to the disciples who are loyal in spreading the word about the advantages of adopting this crooked form of yogic philosophy.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yoga Can Help Your Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common conditions around the world and severely affects the lives of millions of people; a one hundred percent effective back pain relief cure has yet to be found but that does not mean that some easing of the discomfort cannot be found. While there are a host of prescription medications that help with pain relief, many are doing nothing more than masking the symptoms instead of tackling the underlying cause of the pain. Medication should be used sparingly and under the strict supervision of a medical professional.

It is not difficult to injure your back, especially if you are a manual worker but long term problems can also be the result of an accident; large numbers of people have caused permanent damage to their backs just by sitting poorly for long periods. The most common way to injure your back though is by lifting badly, it is usually recognized immediately by a sharp pain at the base of the spine. There are a number of natural back pain relief methods that mean you will not have to rely on drugs.

Stretching the back is often the simplest method of relief, stretching your back gently can relax your back muscles preventing them from becoming tense. Success at reducing pain and providing relief has also been found by people using reflexology to the feet; some are finding relief using this treatment for back pain and other conditions. Another benefit to reflexology is how it can improve the circulation which helps to ease tense muscles.

The traditional Chinese medicine therapy acupuncture is now providing back pain relief with people suffering spinal problems in the West. If you follow Traditional Chinese medicine then you will know that they believe all people have a unique energy force running through their body called qi or chi. By inserting needles in specific parts of the body, it can help to unblock qi and restore the flow. Many sufferers swear by the use of acupuncture and results from many tests often back this claim; indications are the patient does receive pain relief by using this method.

Another ancient oriental discipline, Tai Chi is similar to many types of Yoga but the movements are much slower and deliberate. The most important aspect of tai chi is that almost anyone can participate as it uses gentle breathing exercises and techniques to help relax the body. To finish, it is a good idea not to forget the huge benefits that exercise can bring in providing back pain relief; it would be a shame to forget the benefits that exercise can provide generally.

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Origins Of Yoga

The term Yoga which means Union is derived form Sanskrit and is your doorway to a balanced physical, mental and spiritual well being and it is not merely meditation. Man knows this to be the earliest holistic system of personal development. Practiced for almost 5000 years, the body is gradually conditioned by emphasizing the strengthening of the mind and body, at the same time stimulating the soul - it is both a science and a philosophy.

A Yogi is a male who practices yoga and a Yogini is a female practitioner. In practice this is an applied science of the body and mind and it is part of the six orthodox systems that make up Indian Philosophy. It is a vast subject and contains a great deal more than just sitting around in a lotus position just chanting along in unison.

Back problems and others arising from bad posture can be cured by yoga and it also reduces stress. People with cancer use it a lot as it makes them feel good. This is similar to other complimentary therapies that people use Many feel that the best time to perform the discipline is on an empty stomach, before any food is consumed in the morning.

There are many types of this ancient practice, a few of them are stated below: First, we have Raja Yoga which is also referred to as the kingly form, and the discipline's chief practice is considered to be meditation which is also known to include several other methods that are known to help an individual control energy, body, mind and senses. It is considered to be one of the four main yoga paths. Secondly, we have Kundalini Yoga which is a non-stressful and safe practice which is known to promise immediate results that are based on kriyas or sets of exercises that have been formulated specially. We also have Hatha Yoga which is an extremely wonderful system that is comprised of breath control and postures; it is the basis for all of the modern asana based discipline forms. The Sahaja yoga is based on the experience of self realization that resides within each individual. This is a unique way of meditating. Next on the list is Moksha hot Yoga which is a very unique form which is known to combine traditional yoga's foundations and the precision of the therapeutic yoga within a room that is specially heated.

Yoga has become extremely popular both among adults and children. It is a discipline that is beneficial to all ages. Yoga has become the fastest growing and most popular exercise trend of all because it isn't something that is necessarily done to you as it is something that you do. Women are encouraged to perform it as it is one of the best activities that you can do during the time that you are pregnant. It is very gentle on the body which will help your to build up flexibility and endurance. Associated Press and Fit Yoga claim the discipline is increasing in popularity among soldiers for improving stamina, mental focus and flexibility. Therefore, it shouldn't be viewed only as a physical exercise but as a practice as well, which creates a much greater sense of inner harmony and well-being.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

How To USe Yoga For Stress Reduction Meditation

Here in this article, you can take a look at how resorting to meditation and yoga can help you. What we need to assure you is that these are simple techniques which can be learned and practiced by anyone - they don't take up too much time either. Today, all over the world and amongst all cultures, this ancient healing and stress relieving discipline is becoming popular among all ages. The technique of meditation is designed to bring harmony and balance inside you so that there is no more tension, just calmness.

Different techniques are available and may be performed with chants, meditation music or in absolute silence. The focus of your concentration may be an object like a picture, the posture itself or even the rhythm of your breathing. No matter what approach you decide to use, you are going to need a really quiet environment and a certain period of time, in which you aren't going to be interrupted. Then select a word, object, or one's own breathing rhythm and find a comfortable position - to prevent falling asleep it is best not to be lying down. The main goal is to master a mindfulness state, where you are able to be completely aware of everything that is going on around you, but you are detached from all of your immediate surroundings, similar to a light state of trance. This Alpha state is a good one to achieve but for those who want more, there are deeper, more still states that can be achieved with practice.

Many of the world's religions have meditation as a part pf their religious rituals but it with Buddhism that the practice is most closely associated and linked. Among Buddhists, it is used as a means to get to the highest mental state - the state of enlightenment. While it can be done anywhere, anytime and in any position, what you will find is that the best way to do it is in the sitting position which is known as 'zazen'.

The benefits of meditation have been researched and put down in a study by Harvard professor, Herbert Benson. Just twenty minutes is enough to make a visible difference in controlling your blood pressure, your heart and breathing rate and you metabolism. The deeper states will very often bring about mental images like bursts of color and images and maybe even a still, small voice. There have been studies to show that meditation can relieve a whole lot of problems that arise from stress and tension as well as other health and pain problems. The good news is that with better self awareness, comes a better state of health and well-being for you both in mind as well as body and you find yourself functioning much better that you thought possible. Though traditional use of meditation was to be seen in spiritual well being, recent popularity is due to its ability to relieve stress and achieve relaxed tranquil state of mind in the midst of the rat-race. If you would like a stress free life today, you would do well to consider meditation combined with yoga exercises to make it possible.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Love Guru Yoga Sticky Mats

Have you seen the movie "Love Guru" that just came out last week. If not I am not recommending that you go out and see it right away. It is one of those movies that you would probably want to rent.

I run a movie theatre so I just received at promotional item that is a nice, bright, yellow, yoga mat. It is actually very nice as far as Yoga Sticky Mats are concerned. It has a nice bag to carry it in.

If you happen to see the movie, it does have some funny parts. If you are really involved in Yoga you might get offended, due to the cultural jokes that take place at the expense of the Indian culture. It is definitely not one of Mike Meyer's best movies but it gets a chuckle every now and then.

Anyway, I was happy to receive the exercise mat to give me more cushion when I do my morning asanas.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Improve Your Life With Beginning Yoga Exercises

American obesity has become a major problem facing a large majority of American citizens today. Beginner Yoga Exercises have become extremely popular in western society for improving health and losing weight. Integrating Yoga into your daily workout routine can help you keep a healthy and well balanced lifestyle. Allowing your body to change and grow for increased health benefits is the main attraction people have to Yoga.

The origins of Yoga are from India, but it has recently made its way to western cultures as a form of exercise. It was not only a form of exercise, but was considered even more so as a way to reach enlightenment. Hatha Yoga is the style that many use as an exercise routine, but there are many other styles out there.

All you need to start practicing Yoga is yourself and a good attitude. Make sure you wear some loose fit clothing that is comfortable and find a quiet location with no distractions. Investing in a yoga mat might be something to consider to make you more comfortable, especially if you are doing your workout on a hard surface.

Finding a good Yoga Sticky Mat is simple to do and inexpensive since they are available at most major outlets. Having the extra padding an exercise mat provides will be beneficial to your workout by protecting you from unwanted bruises or abrasions. The mat you get doesn't need to be very large at all and they are easily stored away when not in use. Sometimes a workout on hard floors might demand more cushion than the typical mat provides. If this is the case for you, then a good, quality option is the airex mat.

The benefits of yoga are great for anyone of all different ages. Increased flexibility will strengthen muscles and joints, which is the number one benefit that people associate with yoga. Yoga provides both physical and mental healing elements making it a great holistic treatment. Many under appreciate the meditation aspect of yoga which provides mental clarity and an increase in oxygen throughout the body.

Just a few of the physiological benefits from doing the asanas are:

- better flexibility and increased strength
- improved posture, coordination, and balance
- relief in joint and back pain
- improved immunity
- increased energy
- reduction in high blood pressure
- better gastrointestinal function

A few of the many psychological benefits from doing the pranayama are:

- increased self-actualization
- improved learning efficiency
- decreased depression
- decreased stress
- decreased anxiety
- improved sense of well-being
- improved memory

Yoga is a small part of the bigger picture to the path of uniting your body, mind, and spirit. Specific movements and breathing practices are used to achieve this objective. Getting a good workout all around for not only your body but your mind then there are some great Yoga positions for beginners.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Don't Forget The Yoga Exercise Mat

Before you get started there is one very important yoga supply that you need to get your hands on- an exercise mat. Exercise mats can be found everywhere now, even at your local K-Mart. They can be very inexpensive so there is no reason not to have an extra one. I keep one in my house for home exercise and one in my car for when I go to the gym. Having more than one exercise mat just makes it easier on me because I won’t be able to forget to bring one with me or take it back inside the house.

Having your own exercise mat is crucial. If you go to a yoga class without one you will quickly find that you are the only person without one. As I said, you can find very affordable ones all over the place now so you will never have to be without one.

I suppose that I ought to say that you really do need to use yoga sticky mats while doing the yoga or other exercises. An exercise mat clings to the floor and makes it easier for you to hold those crazy yoga positions without shifting or sliding around. I have, on more than one occasion, had to learn this lesson the hard way and I do not recommend it.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Become Menally Healthier Through Yoga

Did you know that America is the fattest country in the world (referring to the people) and that reputation has started to get to us. Now more than ever Americans are trying to lose weight and get into shape. There are hundreds of new exercise programs that hit the market every month. There is an endless supply of diets and exercise routines, so why are we still so fat? I think that a big part of the equation has to do with the way we think and our mental health.

I believe it also has a lot do to with stress. Stress causes all kinds of health problems and I think that it makes some people gain weight or hold on to the weight that they already have and are trying to get rid of. If we are truly going to become a healthier country, I believe that we need to focus more on the importance of relieving stress.

One of the best and most popular forms of exercise to relieve stress is yoga. Yoga has become wildly popular in this country and the world over. Many people get great results by doing simple yoga exercises regularly and these people also report that a great deal of stress relief comes with the exercise.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Yoga Sticky Mats

I never really understood why people wasted money on yoga sticky mats due to the fact they are so thin and don't seem to supply any amount of cushion. Until now, since I have hardwood floors in my home I am beginning to understand. I suspect that even if I had carpet I would probably want to get one of these. There are many exercises you can do on your feet, but there are many more that you may require you to come into contact with your floor. Even if you are only putting your elbows or perhaps your knees on your floor, you’re going to want some sort of extra cushion.

My first experience with exercise floor mats was in elementary school. I went to a very small school, and I guess maybe we had more things than other schools. Many of my friends from other schools told me they had no exercise floor mats in their gymnasium. Ours were quite thick, and we used them for many things. Though we used these exercise floor mats much more when we were younger, they were still use some in high school. Many schools have a very like large mats used to protect children falling and hurting themselves when using things like parallel bars, our exercise floor mats where there for every day play.

The airex yoga mat you get for your home would not have to be very large. They only need to be large enough for you to use on your own. They don’t even have to cost you very much money. You can find exercise floor mats almost anywhere you buy other exercise equipment. You may even be able to get something called a yoga mat to double as your exercise mat. As long as something offers you the protection you need from the hard wood of your floor, or from getting scratched by your carpet, it will work for what it needs to do.

I don’t know if I will use my exercise floor mats as much as I think I will, but I do know that my daughter will probably use them. She is very active, and loves to tumble around on the floor. There have been many times when she has bumped and bruised her knees and elbows, and if I had exercise floor mats for her to use, I think this would been less often. If nothing else, they will be something that she may use to sit on the floor in the wintertime when our hardwood floors are always cold. I guarantee it will be put to good use for something.

What Does Yoga Have To Do With Pilates?

A German immigrant by the name of Joseph Pilates, developed the famous and highly popular exercise program that is named after himself, designed to get you fit without the bulky muscle of the body builder type. Beginning as an adolescent, he spent many years studying various body disciplines in his search for a program of exercises to promote health and fitness with a lean look and a graceful demeanor. Among the disciplines he studied was yoga, which he integrated into his method. Developed in the late 1920's, Pilates yoga today is a well respected and wildly popular form of this ancient art and body discipline.

Although Joseph Pilates did not achieve fame in his lifetime, his work was practiced and carried on by a small group of devotees to his methods, for decades, before the recent explosion of Pilates exercise programs and Pilates yoga. Today, Pilates' form of yoga is at the forefront of exercise and self discipline regimes. Pilates yoga is especially popular with dancers and athletes, as well as celebrities who've caught on to the superior benefits of Pilates' methodology.

Pilates yoga requires an instructor to have expertise in human anatomy and movement, physiology and the principles of yoga. In order to evaluate the knowledge and integrity of the yoga instructor, several yoga organizations offer online information on choosing a qualified yoga instructor. There are even certification programs which require months or even years of study.

If you choose to pursue a Pilates oriented yoga program, you'll want a well qualified person as your instructor. Be aware that some “certified” instructors may have as little as a day's or one weekend's training. In order to gain maximum benefit of a Pilates yoga class, look for a teacher with at least the minimum certification of 250 hours of training. An instructor with a 500 hour training certification will likely prove a good choice.

With the current popularity of the Pilates programs, you need to be careful in choosing an instructor, as certification programs are not standardized and vary widely in both standards and depth of training a certification may represent. So how do you make an intelligent assessment of your Pilates yoga instructor?

The Pilates Method Alliance ( has a database allowing you to search for qualified Pilates instructors in your locale. In addition, they give you a run down on the profile and standards of a qualified instructor, as well as tips on interviewing your potential instructor.

Another resource is the non-profit Yoga Alliance group (, dedicated to serving the yoga community with resources and their own searchable database of Pilates yoga instructors meeting their strict standards of qualifications.

If the Pilates yoga program holds an appeal for you, invest a little time in finding the right instructor and you'll soon be on your way to that fit, lean body you always wanted.

What Is Power Yoga?

Have you ever dabbled in martial arts? If you ask this question to most people, they will give you some answer resembling "I took a Tae Kwon Do class at the YMCA, or I took Karate back in high school." Now, don't get me wrong; there's nothing bad about this. I am just bringing it up because it's such a norm in America. On the other hand, this minor experience isn't worth much in the real world either. In fact most people don't really have a clue what most self-defense and fighting arts are really like. Nor do they understand the hardcore training that's necessary. Take yoga for example. This is commonly thought of as a calm and relaxing regime that involves a lot of stretching. Does that sound about right? Well, you've probably never encountered power yoga or the real deal as some call it. It can be an overwhelming workout.

It's time for some power yoga, folks. This is a great way to get in shape. Not only does it offer exercise for the entire body, it also promotes blood circulation via stretching. This is a great way to stay in good shape as you age. Remember you want to age gracefully; not quickly. With power yoga comes a lot of devotion. This goes the same for any decent fitness regime or martial art. I have known a lot of martial artists in my day and most of them definitely do not train to fight or defend themselves. Now you may be wondering what I'm talking about. Maybe you take a particular martial art and think you've got skills. Well, let me ask you a few things. Do you train daily? Are you in good shape? Do you always work to improve and avoid becoming complacent? Do you spar with other regularly? Do you spar realistically with practitioners of other arts regularly? If you don't do these things, then you're probably not too effective with your art. That's just reality. If you don't put it to use, and instead just go through drills in a dojo or kwoon, you're probably not very good. How can you possibly know you can do it for real? This is why I always emphasize taking it to the next level. The same goes for boxing, Muay Thai, karate, judo or power yoga.

Learn all you've ever wanted to know about power yoga on the World-Wide-Web. You can even acquire DVDs on power yoga now days. Learn from the pros while you practice these regimes with your friends and family. Contemporary power yoga will definitely keep you in good shape.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Beginner Yoga Exercises Can Improve Your Life

Staying fit and in good health has become a big emphasis in today's society. Many forms of exercise have evolved in one way or another to fit the needs of those seeking to stay fit. Beginner yoga exercises can be just the way for many people to improve the quality of their life.

Not many people realize that yoga has many similar movements as ballet. Many people will begin practicing yoga for the flexibility advantages that it offers. Even though there are things that yoga has in common with other exercises, there are numerous other benefits to studying it. Its popularity has increased over the years in western society and is now considered the fashionable way to get into shape. It might seem like a new form of exercise, but it has actually been around for centuries originating from Eastern cultures with spiritual roots.

To the western world, yoga has become just another way to exercise and the spiritual aspects of it have been lost. Even though the techniques and movements are the same, its meaning has changed. Originally, yoga was viewed as a small part of the whole like a branch on a tree, but in western society it is viewed more as the entire tree itself losing many of the deeper rooted aspects.

The discovery of yoga can't be identified to an exact time period, but it is generally accepted to have began around the same time the Indus Valley Civilization which has seals depicting figures in the asana posture around 3000 BC. At about this same time the Vedas, the source of many current yoga postures, were also being written. These gave rise to what is known as Vedic yoga, which focuses on old Indian obsessions with ritual and sacrifice such as the yogic corpse asana.

One of the greatest sacrifices is death which in yoga, is signified by lying as if placed in a coffin. This morbid, yet deeply meaningful position called the corpse pose signifies that according to the Veda's instruction one's death leads to freedom.

The idea and meaning of yoga can be translated as "union", the joining of both physical and spiritual worlds. The idea that the soul is not attracted to material possessions comes from the Vedanta Sutras. It is taught that compassion wants us to free ourselves from the attraction of material objects.

Even today, modern yoga does make this possible. Through the medium of the asanas and stillness, we can change our awareness and thus, our outlook. We will feel ourselves to be part of the cosmic whole, and see how giving to others is also giving to ourselves, as we are all one.

Yoga, in the ancient days, was seen as a small part of a whole. Centuries ago, yoga focused on breath work and postures amid the betterment of the mind, body and spirit. But today, yoga concentrates more on postures and less on breathing. Yoga's postures and concentration on breathing do offer tremendous advantages. The medical benefits of yoga include increase in flexibility and energy, reduces stress, improves muscle strength and tone, reduces depression, and improves balance and coordination.