Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Beginner Yoga Exercises Can Improve Your Life

Staying fit and in good health has become a big emphasis in today's society. Many forms of exercise have evolved in one way or another to fit the needs of those seeking to stay fit. Beginner yoga exercises can be just the way for many people to improve the quality of their life.

Not many people realize that yoga has many similar movements as ballet. Many people will begin practicing yoga for the flexibility advantages that it offers. Even though there are things that yoga has in common with other exercises, there are numerous other benefits to studying it. Its popularity has increased over the years in western society and is now considered the fashionable way to get into shape. It might seem like a new form of exercise, but it has actually been around for centuries originating from Eastern cultures with spiritual roots.

To the western world, yoga has become just another way to exercise and the spiritual aspects of it have been lost. Even though the techniques and movements are the same, its meaning has changed. Originally, yoga was viewed as a small part of the whole like a branch on a tree, but in western society it is viewed more as the entire tree itself losing many of the deeper rooted aspects.

The discovery of yoga can't be identified to an exact time period, but it is generally accepted to have began around the same time the Indus Valley Civilization which has seals depicting figures in the asana posture around 3000 BC. At about this same time the Vedas, the source of many current yoga postures, were also being written. These gave rise to what is known as Vedic yoga, which focuses on old Indian obsessions with ritual and sacrifice such as the yogic corpse asana.

One of the greatest sacrifices is death which in yoga, is signified by lying as if placed in a coffin. This morbid, yet deeply meaningful position called the corpse pose signifies that according to the Veda's instruction one's death leads to freedom.

The idea and meaning of yoga can be translated as "union", the joining of both physical and spiritual worlds. The idea that the soul is not attracted to material possessions comes from the Vedanta Sutras. It is taught that compassion wants us to free ourselves from the attraction of material objects.

Even today, modern yoga does make this possible. Through the medium of the asanas and stillness, we can change our awareness and thus, our outlook. We will feel ourselves to be part of the cosmic whole, and see how giving to others is also giving to ourselves, as we are all one.

Yoga, in the ancient days, was seen as a small part of a whole. Centuries ago, yoga focused on breath work and postures amid the betterment of the mind, body and spirit. But today, yoga concentrates more on postures and less on breathing. Yoga's postures and concentration on breathing do offer tremendous advantages. The medical benefits of yoga include increase in flexibility and energy, reduces stress, improves muscle strength and tone, reduces depression, and improves balance and coordination.

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